
News of the Global Young Academy

GYA Working Group & Incubator Funding for 2018

The GYA has now allocated 2018 funding for its working groups and Incubators. In addition to base funding for all existing working groups and Incubators, the following funds were allocated:

A new Incubator on Trust in (Young) Scientists has been launched. It intends to help build confidence and trust in science. This will be achieved by creating a series of video clips that show the ‘human faces’ of science, and provide reasons for understanding why science is trustworthy.

The existing Incubator on science diplomacy has been re-launched as Science Diplomacy in South Asia.

The following four Incubators (groups which started their activities relatively recently) applied for a change of status to regular Working Groups, and all were accepted: Biodiversity for Survival via Biomedicine (Bio2Bio), Global Health, DIY Biology, and Science Advice.

Five Working Groups have extended their activities and were granted top-up funding for the period January-December 2018: Global Access to Research Software, History of the GYA, Open Science, Scientific Excellence, and Women in Science.

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