Support the GYA’s At-Risk Scholars Initiative
This GYA strategic initiative aims to enable the re-integration of exceptional, early-career at-risk and displaced scholars into research through a mentorship programme developed and led by GYA members. The initiative works with partner organisations to raise awareness about the need to support at-risk scholars, and to hold career development workshops (online and in-person).
Financial support for this initiative will be used to fund travel costs of at-risk and displaced scholars to workshops and strategic events.
Read more about the work of the At-Risk Scholars Initiative here: Strategic Project – At-Risk Scholars Initiative | Global Young Academy
Support the GYA's Annual General Meeting and Conference
The Annual General Meeting and Conference is the GYA key event, where all members have the opportunity to meet in person. It alternates its location between a low/middle-income and high-income country. This assembly brings the GYA community face-to-face and facilitates international and interdisciplinary debate around themes of global relevance on a joint stage. From tangible results like conceiving and carrying forward ideas and collaborations, to intangible outcomes like improving communication across disciplines and cultures and strengthening interactions among members, the value of this meeting cannot be underestimated.
GYA strives to offer equal opportunities to all our members globally to participate in these meetings. Your donation helps that also our members who cannot afford their participation from their own funds are not excluded from the network.