The GYA has now allocated 2018 funding for its working groups and Incubators. In addition to base funding for all existing working groups and Incubators, the following funds were allocated:
A new Incubator on Trust in (Young) Scientists has been launched. It intends to help build confidence and trust in science. This will be achieved by creating a series of video clips that show the ‘human faces’ of science, and provide reasons for understanding why science is trustworthy.
The existing Incubator on science diplomacy has been re-launched as Science Diplomacy in South Asia.
The following four Incubators (groups which started their activities relatively recently) applied for a change of status to regular Working Groups, and all were accepted: Biodiversity for Survival via Biomedicine (Bio2Bio), Global Health, DIY Biology, and Science Advice.
Five Working Groups have extended their activities and were granted top-up funding for the period January-December 2018: Global Access to Research Software, History of the GYA, Open Science, Scientific Excellence, and Women in Science.