5 October 2019 - 8 October 2019 10:00 am - 1:30 pm
International Conference Center, Kyoto, Japan, Kyoto
The Science and Technology in Society (STS) forum aims to provide a new mechanism for open discussions on an informal basis, and to build a human network that would, in time, resolve the new types of problems stemming from the application of science and technology....
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Science and Technology in Society Forum 2019
6 July 2019 All Day
Hilton Cambridge City Centre, Cambridge
The ASEAN ERC is a platform aiming to stimulate greater sharing of research ideas, and allowing for a strategic interdisciplinary approach to these research ideas that address the needs of the ASEAN region. The conference is organised through strong collaboration with the Young Scientists Network-Academy...
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ASEAN Emerging Researchers Conference
5 September 2018 - 7 September 2018 All Day
Laxenburg, Austria, Laxenburg
The 2018 Evidence and Policy Summer School in Laxenburg, Austria is organised by the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) and the Joint Research Centre (JRC), in collaboration with the International Network for Government Science Advice (INGSA) and the Global Young Academy (GYA). The...
Evidence and policy summer school – science, policy and demography
13 August 2018 - 14 August 2018 All Day
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur
GYA members Aysha Fleming (Australia) and Theresa Stoepler (USA) will participate in a workshop on the UN SDGs which is being organised by the InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) in partnership with the Association of Academies and Societies of Sciences in Asia (AASSA). It will identify targeted,...
IAP / AASSA Regional Workshop on the UN SDGs
9 July 2018 - 18 July 2018 All Day
United Nations Headquarters, New York, New York
The establishment of the United Nations High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) was mandated in 2012 by the outcome document of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20), "The Future We Want". The format and organizational aspects of the Forum are outlined in...
UN High Level Political Forum
3 July 2018 - 6 July 2018 All Day
Accra, Ghana, Accra
The GYA has nominated 5 members and 3 representatives from national young academies or academy initiatives to attend Sustainable African Cities from 3-6 July 2018 in Accra, Ghana. The Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences (GAAS), the Network of African Science Academies (NASAC) and the German...
Conference on “Sustainable African Cities”
19 April 2018 - 20 April 2018 All Day
Telekom Forum, Berlin, Germany, Berlin
Around 800 experts from more than 70 countries are expected to participate in the second Global Bioeconomy Summit in Berlin. High-ranking representatives from politics, science, civil society and the business sector will meet from 19 - 20 April to discuss the latest bioeconomy developments. In...
Categories: N/A
2nd Global Bioeconomy Summit