The Global Young Academy is pleased to welcome 31 new members to its ranks. All new members were inaugurated at the opening of this year’s electronic Annual General Meeting (e-AGM) on 1 June 2021. The GYA new member cohort includes representatives from 28 individual countries, from all GYA general disciplines, and includes 19 females and 12 males.
The gender ratio of the GYA is now 101 female/98 male/1 non-binary. Such gender balance is a development that the GYA has been moving towards for the last few years, and is a reflection of the excellent female/non-binary applicants to the GYA.
In addition to helping the GYA meet its gender parity benchmarks, the new member cohort has increased GYA international representation by 9 countries. The newly-added countries include Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, People’s Republic of China/Hong Kong, Iceland, Ireland, Kuwait, Slovenia and Ukraine.
Welcome all to the Global Young Academy!
Alexandra Dmitrieva (Ukraine)

Alexandra received her PhD in Sociology at St. Petersburg State University, and has extensive international experience as a qualitative researcher and field ethnographer in various research projects. Alexandra co-founded the Support, Research and Development Center, a Kyiv-based NGO aimed at conducting qualitative social research of drug use, health and medicine.
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Bashayer AlMajed (Kuwait)

Bashayer AlMajed focuses on intellectual property, legal economics, constitutional, civil and contract law. She also has a strong interest in politics, humanitarian issues and legal reform. She recently won the International Muslim of the Year at the British Muslim Awards for her efforts to empower young people.
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Carolina Andrade (Brazil)

Carolina’s research group at the Federal University of Goiás, Brazil, focuses on computer-assisted and artificial intelligence-oriented drug discovery for neglected and emerging diseases. Her research also focuses on the development of AI tools for the prediction of toxicity properties of chemicals. Her major software tools and models are publicly available at the LabMol web portal
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Chibuike Udenigwe (Canada)

Chibuike holds the University Research Chair in Food Properties and Nutrient Bioavailability at the University of Ottawa. His research focuses on sustainable processing for unlocking the health-promoting and nutritional properties of food. He is the Editor of “Food Proteins and Peptides” (2021), and has published over 170 journal articles and book chapters.
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Cristian Ripoli (Italy)

In addition to his professorship, Cristian serves as Researcher of the Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCCS, where he is a member of the Institutional Translational Board. His research focuses on how synaptic plasticity influences neuronal signaling, and in elucidating the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying learning and memory in the mammalian brain.
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Emilija Stojmenova Duh (Slovenia)

Emilija is the Head of the Public Private People Digital Innovation Hub at the University of Ljubljana. She also founded and is coordinating the national FabLab network in Slovenia. Emilija is a member of the Management Board of the Slovenian Research Agency, the Expert Council of the Employment Service of Slovenia, and the Council for Development in Agriculture, Forestry and Food.
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Encieh Erfani (Iran)

Encieh obtained her PhD from the University of Bonn, Germany. She is a Junior Associate of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics – Trieste, a TWAS Young Affiliate member, and is on the Board of Directors of the Iranian Astronomy Society. Enceih is the founder of the “Yar-e-Danesh Fund”. Her international experience has provided her with unique skills to communicate, understand problems and find solutions.
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Farah Ouechtati (Tunisia)

Farah is a geneticist working on developing new therapeutic strategies to prevent neuronal loss that can lead to mental disorders and visual impairment. After receiving the L’Oréal-UNESCO International Fellowship for Women in Science in 2014 and earning a Master’s degree in Social Sciences, she got involved in the science-policy-diplomacy interface and recently joined the Center for Open Science.
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Ho Cheung (Anderson) Shum (China/Hong Kong)

Anderson is Founding Director of the Advanced Biomedical Instrumentation Centre in Hong Kong. His research group focuses on microfluidics and soft matter and their applications, particularly in biomedical technologies. He is also a founding member of the Hong Kong Young Academy of Sciences.
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Ibraheem Alhijry (Egypt)

Ibraheem obtained his PhD in experimental laser physics from Mansoura University, Egypt. During his PhD studies, he worked on the enhancement of solid-state dye laser characteristics using metallic nanoparticles at the National Institute for Laser Science, Cairo University, Egypt. Recently, his research has focused on laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) in the Laboratory of Lasers and New Materials at Cairo University, Egypt.
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Jelena Vladi (Serbia)

Jelena is a Scientific and Teaching Assistant at the Faculty of Technology Novi Sad, Department of Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Engineering, University of Novi Sad, Serbia. Her research areas are pharmaceutical technologies and chemistry, with special reference to green innovative extraction technologies and drying.
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Jia Chen (Germany)

Jia Chen heads the Environmental Sensing and Modeling Group in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Technical University of Munich. She is also an associate in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Harvard University. Her research focuses on climate change and urban air pollution. She develops novel sensors, methods, and atmospheric models to localise and quantify greenhouse gas emissions.
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Karishma Kaushik (India)

Karishma is a Physician-Scientist at Savitribai Phule Pune University. She returned to India in 2018 to start an independent research group, which focuses on the study of complex infection micro-environments, with a focus on biofilms. The group aims to develop human-relevant infection models that provide alternatives to animal studies, as well as to enable the development of composite infection therapeutics.
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Kathryn Crowe (Iceland)

Kate focuses on how communication differences and disorders impact on participation in society, and particularly on using evidence-based practices to improve the outcomes of children with communication differences. She is presently working on improving the support of multilingual children with hearing loss, and is based in the Schools of Health Sciences and Education at the University of Iceland.
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Luciana Balboa (Argentina)

Luciana is an Associate Researcher in infectious diseases at the Institute of Experimental Medicine, Argentine National Scientific and Technical Research Council-National Academy of Medicine in Buenos Aires. She is a founding member of the Young Academy of Argentina, and a member of the Steering Committee of the Latin-American Society of Tuberculosis and other Mycobacteriosis.
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Manuel Fernández-Götz (United Kingdom)

Manuel is Head of the Department of Archaeology at the University of Edinburgh. He has been a board member of the Young Academy of Europe and the European Association of Archaeologists, and is a fellow of several learned societies. Manuel’s main research interests are the origins of urbanism, the archaeology of migrations, and conflict archaeology. Overall, he aims to learn from the past in order to construct a better future.
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Mareli Claassens (Namibia)

Mareli is a Medical Doctor and an epidemiologist with extensive research experience in infectious diseases that disproportionately affect poor people. She is fascinated by challenging questions that require a trans-disciplinary approach, and enjoys engaging with experts from other scientific domains to flesh out hypotheses, conceptual frameworks and potential solutions. Mareli is a strong believer in public and societal engagement.
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Mirjam Brusius (United Kingdom)

Mirjam holds a PhD in History and Philosophy of Science from the University of Cambridge. Prior to GHI London, she held postdoctoral fellowships at Oxford, Harvard, and the Max Planck Society in Germany. Mirjam is interested in heritage, museum and material culture – past and present – in the context of global and colonial history.
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Mohammed Mostajo-Radji (United States)

Mohammed holds a PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biology from Harvard University and is currently a scientist at the University of California. His expertise is in programming and reprogramming neuronal identity in the developing cerebral cortex. In addition, He has vast experience in science education and science diplomacy, and was the first Latin American scientist to reach the diplomatic rank of Science and Technology Ambassador.
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Nadia De León (Panama)
As founder at, and adjunct faculty at and, Nadia carries out educational and social research focusing on gender, diversity, experiential learning and social justice. She is a member of the Panamanian National Research System and advisor to the Minister of Education. She is also founder and CEO of She previously worked at Stanford University and Western Kentucky University.
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Neil Guerrero-Gonzalez (Colombia)

Neil is an Associate Professor at the Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering at the National University of Colombia. His research focuses on designing the next generation of reconfigurable telecommunication networks integrating optical and wireless infrastructures for extended and reliable coverage mainly oriented to rural development.
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Nkatha Kabira (Kenya)
Nkatha Kabira is a poet, author and Senior Lecturer at the School of Law, University of Nairobi. She is an Iso Lomso (“eye of tomorrow”) Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Stellenbosch, South Africa, a Fellow at the Institute of Advanced Studies, Berlin, a Fellow of the Africa Science Leadership Programme, University of Pretoria, and a fellow at the Institute of Advanced Studies, Program on Social Sciences at Princeton University.
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Po-Yen Chen (Singapore)
Po-Yen is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, at the University of Maryland, College Park. His current research interests focus on strain engineering in nanomaterials, especially 2D materials. These strain-induced 2D-material architectures with high stability can be applied to next-generation soft robots.
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Priscilla Mante (Ghana)

Priscilla has a PhD from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology and postdoctoral training from the University of Michigan. Her research focuses on developing better therapeutic options for resistant epilepsy. Priscilla received the International Rising Talent Award in 2019 for her research, as well as a 2019 Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World Early Career Fellowship.
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Rüstem Ertug Altinay (Turkey)

Ertuğ obtained his PhD in Performance Studies at New York University, and currently teaches at Kadir Has University. His primary areas of research are theories of media and performance, queer and feminist performance and literature, memory studies, and material culture, with a focus on Turkey. In 2020, he won the Science Academy Turkey’s Young Scientist Award. Ertuğ is also a playwright, dramaturg, and dramatic translator.
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Shymaa Enany (Egypt)

Shymaa is a member of the Microbiology Department, Suez Canal University, Egypt. She received her PhD from Niigata University, Japan. Shymaa was the first Arab scientist to apply bacterial proteomic techniques, which helped reveal good markers for microbes spreading in a community. She was awarded the State Encouragement Prize for Women in the field of health and pharmaceutical sciences, the most prestigious award in Egypt.
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Siok Yee Chan (Malaysia)

Chan Siok Yee is on the academic staff in the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia. She is the Editor in Chief of the Malaysian Journal of Pharmacy, President of the Malaysia Society of Pharmaceutical Technology, and exco member of the Young Scientist Network, Academy Sains Malaysia. Her research interest lies in the development of drug delivery systems using a solid dispersion technique.
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Thomas Tagoe (Ghana)

Thomas is a neuroscientist based at the University of Ghana. His research group is built around exploring plasticity mechanisms in health and disease. This also extends towards understanding the neurological activity of compounds from traditional herbal medicines.
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Victor Vilarrasa Riano (Spain)

Víctor is a scientist at the Spanish National Research Council, where he leads an interdisciplinary group investigating induced seismicity of low-carbon geoenergies. He did his PhD in Civil Engineering at the Technical University of Catalonia and has postdoctoral experience at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, where he was a Marie Curie fellow.
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Yensi Flores Bueso (Ireland)

Yensi is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Cancer Research Centre and the School of Biochemistry and Cell Biology at University College Cork, Ireland. Her research focuses on developing novel cancer therapies using tumourtargeting bacteria. She has co-founded two start-ups aiming at providing accessible medical care and diagnostics for developing countries, and has directed outreach projects aiming to build research capacity in Honduras.
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Yuguang (Chris) Li (United States)

At the University at Buffalo, SUNY, Chris and his research group are studying electroanalytical chemistry and catalysis reactions to activate small molecules and design new electrochemical systems to address the world’s energy and climate challenges.
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