16 November 2015 - 18 November 2015 All Day
Mauritius, Mauritius
Co-organised by the Global Young Academy and the Young Academy of Sweden, the Second Worldwide Meeting of Young Academies was a great chance to meet and exchange experience and discuss successful Young Academy activities. The representatives of participating National Young Academies discussed and planned future networking and cooperation both on a global and regional level. Moreover the programme included a joint conference with the European Commission’s in-house science service, Joint Research Centre (JRC) on 17 November 2015, where the participants...
Second World-Wide Meeting of Young Academies
3 February 2014 - 5 February 2014 All Day
Nairobi, Kenya, Nairobi
The conference on “Accelerating science for development in Africa by increasing the momentum and impact of National Young Academies” was organised by the Global Young Academy (GYA) in cooperation with the Network of African Science Academies (NASAC). It brought together representatives from the NASAC member academies with all existing National Young Academies (NYAs) in Africa, as well as representatives from NYA initiatives and other young scientists from the countries in the NASAC network. The main objective of the first African...
Africa Young Academies Regional Conference
15 May 2013 - 18 May 2013 All Day
Leopoldina, Halle, Germany, Halle
The 2013 General Assembly took place from 15-18 May 2013 at the beautiful premises of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina in Halle (Saale), Germany. The meeting brings together 78 GYA members from 37 countries, distinguished members of the GYA advisory board, and senior science ambassadors from around the world. The theme of the 2013 meeting is “Demography and Global Research”.
GYA General Assembly 2013
31 October 2012 - 1 November 2012 All Day
Amsterdam, Netherlands, Amsterdam
In 2012 the GYA co-organised the first world-wide meeting of Young Academies “Shaping the Future of Young Academies” in Amsterdam, Netherlands, together with the Dutch Young Academy. A second world-wide meeting of Young Academies will take place in November 2015.
First World-Wide Meeting of Young Academies
20 May 2012 - 24 May 2012 All Day
Johannesburg, South Africa, Johannesburg
With a program headlined by the South African Minister for Science and Technology, the Editor-in-Chief of Science magazine and other luminaries, the Global Young Academy (GYA) recently completed a very successful General Assembly meeting.  The meeting, held in Johannesburg, South Africa, including 80 young scientists from 40 countries, distinguished senior scientists, and science administrators from around the world.  With a theme of “Sustainability: Lessons on the road between Rio and Rio+20,” the conference focused on concrete actions young scientists can...
GYA General Assembly 2012
20 March 2011 - 22 March 2011 All Day
German Institute for Economic Research Berlin (DIW Berlin), Berlin Germany
The GYA General Assembly later called International Conference of Young Scientists and Annual General Meeting (AGM) is the annual key event of the GYA, and the main meeting in which the members can work together on the goals of this global organization.
GYA General Assembly 2011
16 February 2010 All Day
Berlin, Berlin
In 2008 and 2009, young scientists who came together at events organised by the InterAcademy Panel for International Issues (IAP) at World Economic Forum (WEF) 'Summer Davos' meetings initiated the idea of a Global Young Academy as a forum to connect and support young, talented scientists from all over the world. On 16 February 2010, 40 young scientists from 28 countries met to officially inaugurate the Global Young Academy in Berlin, Germany. The event was also used to elect the...
Founding Meeting of the GYA in 2010