Profile picture of: Koen Vermeir


Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), Laboratoire de Philosophie et Histoire des Sciences (SPHERE), UMR 7219

History and Philosophy of Science

Laboratoire SPHERE (UMR 7219), 5 rue Thomas Mann – Case 7093,
75205 Paris Cedex 13, France

Research Interests

History and Philosophy of Science


As Co-Chair of the Global Young Academy, Koen Vermeir strives for a more inclusive science ecosystem and aims to empower young scientists globally. He is active in the science-policy nexus, working as an expert or advisor with the European Commission, the United Nations, the U.S.A. National Academy of Sciences, and other international and national organizations. One of his areas of interest is science as a global public good and the past and future of science systems. Within the GYA, he has led the Open Science, Science Advice, Scientific Excellence and History of the GYA Working Groups. In the context of Open Science, he has worked with national funding agencies and cOAlition S and he is a member of the OSPP, the High-Level Advisory Group that advises the European Commission on how to develop open science policy. He has also involved with initiatives that rethink the scientific evaluation system, with the elaboration of the “right to science”, and he has worked on Science Advice initiatives with INGSA, the JRC and the Group of Chief Scientific Advisors of the European Commission. As a Research Professor at the CNRS and the University of Paris, he studies science and technology in their cultural and social settings. A theoretical physicist turned historian and philosopher of science, he is currently interested in scientific modernity, epistemic values, the future of science in society and the science-policy nexus. Koen is Editor-in-Chief of the journal Centaurus: an international journal of the history of science and its cultural aspects, and he is member of the Executive Council of the European Society for the History of Science.
