
News of the Global Young Academy

GYA awards North-South Interdisciplinary Grant 2019/20

The 2019-20 GYA North-South Interdisciplinary Grant has been awarded to Ibrahim Sidi Zakari (Niger), Robert Lepenies (Germany) and Lisa Herzog (Germany) for the project: Citizen Science for Reducing Exposure to Urban Air Pollution. In this project, they will explore, in a comparative perspective, to what extent citizen science in Niger and Germany can be harnessed to contribute to the reduction of air pollution while concretely feeding into the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In addition, they will discuss the political and democratic dimensions of citizen science.

Read more about their project here.

About the GYA North-South Interdisciplinary Grant

The GYA includes a diverse membership of scientists and scholars, in many disciplines, based in developed and developing countries. This grant scheme was initiated in 2014, aiming to foster collaboration across the lines that often separate researchers and limit possibilities. Specifically, this scheme facilitates the development of small-scale, innovative, curiosity-driven, blue-sky, exploratory research pilots or prototypes that unite researchers in developed and developing countries and cross disciplinary boundaries.
The North-South Interdisciplinary Grant is awarded annually, and is meant to provide seed money to enable GYA members to prepare a proof of concept, prototype, or pilot research project with a view to securing larger external funding.

Current and past GYA North-South Interdisciplinary Grant projects:

2019/20: Citizen Science for Reducing Exposure to Urban Air Pollution
2018/19: Can Digital Storytelling be used as a Tool for Countering Language Endangerment?
2017/18: Biochar for food security and sustainable ecosystem services
2016: Ethics in environmental decision-making: From individual acts to global outcomes
2015/16: Connecting epigenetics and natural resources
2014/15: One-dimensional molecular current wires using tailored-to-the-purpose chemistry

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