
News of the Global Young Academy

TWAS regional workshop on science diplomacy at Bibliotheca Alexandrina

GYA member Mohamed Elhadidy (Egypt) spoke at the June 2019 BA-TWAS-AAAS Regional Workshop on Science Diplomacy.  The workshop was held at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA) in Alexandria, Egypt, in cooperation with The World Academy of Sciences for the Advancement of Science in Developing Countries’ Arab Regional Partner (TWAS-AREP) and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

Mohamed presented on the topic “The Future of Science Diplomacy: Young Scientists Perspectives and Career Paths”. During his presentation, Mohamed highlighted the role of GYA in informing both public and policy makers about global problems and potential solutions and in promoting science education and science-policy integration. Several GYA working groups activities were also highlighted during the workshop. GYA alumni Sameh Soror (Egypt)and Jauad El Kharraz (Oman) also spoke at the workshop.

The BA-TWAS-AAAS Regional Workshop on Science Diplomacy  is the second among a series of courses within specific regions, launched by AAAS and TWAS, to better address relevant regional science diplomacy issues. During the workshop, participants were exposed to key contemporary international and regional science policy issues, while providing an overview of how science, technology, and innovation contribute to policy development, global governance, and conflict resolution. Moreover, the workshop discussed the roles that governments, academia, international organizations, and the private sector play in addressing complex science-based issues such as Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the different governance structures required for the involvement of these different stakeholders. Furthermore, the workshop took stock of science diplomacy case studies and experiences in the various forms that they take in the Arab Region, and build strong networks to foster the next generation of science diplomats in the region.

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