On 3 June, Lisa Herzog (University of Groningen, Netherlands) of the GYA Trust in (Young) Scientists working group moderated a GYA Annual General Meeting Public Satellite Session titled “SCISO – Behind the scenes of a project”.
Panel members included Lisa Herzog, filmmaker Kristin Raabe, and presenter Shruti Madhani, who shared with GYA members and friends insights gained during the production, launch, and dissemination of the SCISO project videos.
Watch the session here:

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Topics ranged from fundraising and working with various partners, to launching a professional production of video tutorials. Of course, given the time frame of the project – 2020-2022 – what happens if a global pandemic gets in the way was also a relevant talking point.
After discussing “lessons learned”, Lisa, Kristin and Shruti answered questions from the audience. In the last portion of the session, they discussed the third series of videos – From Inspiration to Practive – which were officially launched during the session and which present interviews with practitioners of science-policy-advice from across the globe.
View the new playlist here:

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Lisa felt that “The audience enjoyed hearing the personal perspectives and „lessons learned“ from the project, and added that “It was great that Shruti spoke about the challenges of being in a professional film production setting for the first time of her life. I really agreed when she said ‘Great things can happen if you move out of your comfort zone.’
Added Lisa, “I do hope we succeeded in encouraging audience members to think about forms of science communication or engagement with society they might not have dared to engage in so far.“