Profile picture of: RafaƂ Majka


Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University

Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Humanities

  1. Gustawa Herlinga-GrudziƄskiego 1

30-705 KrakĂłw, Poland

Research Interests

social anthropology
sexual health
gender and queer studies
self-organizing and self-management
decolonization and postcolonial studies
critical postdevelopment studies
public health
masculinity studies
HIV/AIDS activism
socio-cultural histories of health and illness


Topics to speak on:

biomedicine in HIV prevention and AIDS prevention — self-organizing and self-management among LGBTQ+ communities — socio-cultural histories of health and illness

Words of Wisdom

A little progress each day adds up to big results.


RafaƂ Majka holds a PhD in culture studies from SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities (2017). He also graduated in English Philology from the University of Silesia (2006) and did a postgraduate study in Gender Studies at the University of Warsaw (2011). In 2021 he completed another postgraduate studies – Trendwatching & Future Studies at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow. He did research visits in Marseille, France (2021, Aix-Marseille UniversitĂ©, France), in Berlin, Germany (2016, John F. Kennedy Institute, Freie UniversitĂ€t; 2023, Institute for Europeans Ethnology, Humboldt University), in Edmonton, Canada (2005, University of Alberta), and in Boston, Massachusetts, USA (2008, 2012, Massachusetts Institute of Technology). In 2019 he published a book on contemporary left philosophies of social change entitled TeraĆșniejsze przyszƂoƛci. WspóƂczesne wyobraĆșnie lewicowe [Futures Present. Contemporary Left Imaginaries]. He has published numerous articles and co-edited a few books/journal issues. For over a decade he has been active in leftist, feminist, LGBT and queer social movements.


Rector of the University Bielsko-BiaƂa’s award for outstanding teaching and academic

John F. Kennedy Institute Research Grant

Rector of the University of Bielsko-BiaƂa’s award for an outstanding academic achievement

French Government Scholarship (BGF)

Global Scholars Academy 2021

German DAAD Scholarship 2023
