GYA teams with F1000 Research consortium
GYA teams with F1000 Research consortium
The European Commission set up its own free Open Access publishing platform – Open Research Europe – for scientific articles in 2021.
The GYA is part of a consortium, led by F1000 Research, and also including Eurodoc and LIBER as partners, that was awarded the contract to build and promote the platform.
The GYA has an active Open Science Working Group and works closely together with the global network of National Young Academies. on various topics, including Open Science and Open Access.
Our collaboration with Open Research Europe has so far involved workshops, outreach activities and blog posts on our involvement.
Our 2021 International Conference of Young Scientists “Trust in Science” included a panel discussion on the topic during our “Building Trust with Open Science” session, and our 2023 conference “Technological Innovations for Discovering Solutions to the World’s Greatest Current Challenges” featured the session “Scientific Publishing: A global perspective from early-
career researchers on open access dissemination of scientific discovery & data sharing” (video here), during which the Open Research Europe model was discussed alongside other open access publishers such as PLOS, eLife, and Nature.
As part of our Open Science First Fridays discussions, Rebecca Hill of F1000 discussed the topic “What are publishers doing to enable Open Science.”, while a discussion on “Multilingual Open Access Publishing” with Kelly Woods of F1000 is in the pipeline.

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Learn more
You can learn more about Open Research Europe below by checking out their videos, their blog posts, and their Guide to Open Data.
GYA and ORE Blog posts
“Open the Library Doors…” a GYA blog post by 2021/2022 Executive Committee member Anna Harris
“Spotlight on the Global Young Academy”, a European Commission blog post
Further Blog posts
Upon the platform launch in 2021, the ORE Blog also went live, and includes posts from Toma Susi and Phoebe Koundouri, two of ORE’s Scientific Advisory Board members (meet them here), who provide insight into their motivations behind, and experience of, publishing on ORE.
Other contributions include ‘spotlight on’ research articles such as the one on the GYA (read that here), as well as invited guest blogs from researchers, the European Commission and the ORE Scientific Advisory Board. Relevant topics include articles on Open Data (read that here), the future of peer review (read that here) and reforming research assessment (read that here).
Video Explainer: Open Research Europe - What is it?

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Video Explainer: How to submit research to Open Research Europe?

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Preparing your submission
Open Data Guide
In addition to this helpful Guide to Open Data that covers data types and the forms data exists in, ORE has broken down their comprehensive Data Guidelines into two easy infographics:
Further questions?
For more information on Open Research Europe, you can visit their homepage here, and subscribe to the latest content – blogs, newsletters, etc. – here.