Members are elected for five-year terms, after which they become alumni (See Information for Alumni). All members are expected to actively contribute to the organisation’s goals and activities, e.g. by participating in international science policy development, promoting the establishment of national young academies (NYA) or coordinating their cooperation and exchange, supporting science education at the international level, or actively collaborating with GYA members on various topics. GYA members communicate virtually throughout the year and meet their colleagues from all over the world at least once a year in person at the Annual General Meeting. International meetings, workshops and conferences offer other occasions to meet and cooperate with colleagues across borders, cultures and disciplines on topics of utmost relevance to young scientists. GYA Working Groups, which receive seed funding from the GYA for their projects, regularly organise such collaboration.
GYA has established guidelines and agreed on procedures for the professional and responsible bearing of GYA members and alumni (in conjunction with the GYA Alumni Policy). These guidelines and procedures are included in the GYA’s Code of Professional Conduct which requires GYA members to conduct themselves with dignity, honesty, integrity, and respect when interacting with other members, alumni, Office staff, partners of the GYA or the general public.
Who we are and what we do

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What makes the GYA so special?

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The GYA provides a platform through which its members are linked to the science policy interface through GYA partners, such as the InterAcademy Partnership (IAP), meet outstanding leaders of the international science community, and have the opportunity to contribute to international policy statements and working groups. GYA members gain new insights and empowering experiences when they work beyond national and disciplinary boundaries. They are at the vanguard of the international young scientists movement and form a strong voice to impact global development for more effective science and research around the world, through better connectedness, improved measures of achievement and higher quality science education and outreach.
Hear personal impressions in a presentation by members Marc Creus, Ghada Bassioni and previous Managing Director Heidi Wedel at the 64th Lindau Nobel Laureates Meeting in 2014, in which they describe their personal experience with the Global Young Academy.
Want to hear more about what members say about the GYA? Take a look at our YouTube channel.