
News of the Global Young Academy

Conversation with Early Career Researchers in LAC

Together with the Inter American Institute for Global Change Research and the National Science Policy Network‘s Science Diplomacy Committee, the GYA hosted a joint learning opportunity and happy hour social event to explore the current challenges and experiences of early career researchers in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC).

The workshop included a key-note presentation by Alejandro Miranda-Nieto, GYA GloSYS (Global State of Young Scientists) Researcher from 2020-21. Alejandro provided background information on the GloSYS LAC study trajectory and research done in the first grant period. He then discussed three key areas which emerged from exploratory interviews: 1. Meanings of being an Early-Career Researcher (ECR) in LAC; 2. English as strategy and constraint; and 3. The tension between career and life goals.

GYA members Alma Hernández-Mondragón, Paulina Carmona-Mora and alumna Almas Taj Awan addressed the aims of the GYA GloSYS working group members to advance research and capacity building for ECRs worldwide, but with a current focus on the LAC region. Productive discussions in breakout rooms followed.

Related publications

  1. GYA Working Paper. This literature review preceded the qualitative interview phase which was discussed during the workshop: “Reviewing research on researchers: Our knowledge of early-career researchers in Latin America and the Caribbean“
  2. The UNESCO Science Report 2021(see the Latin American chapter) and accompanying summary video.

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