Together with the Inter American Institute for Global Change Research and the National Science Policy Network‘s Science Diplomacy Committee, the GYA hosted a joint learning opportunity and happy hour social event to explore the current challenges and experiences of early career researchers in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC).
The workshop included a key-note presentation by Alejandro Miranda-Nieto, GYA GloSYS (Global State of Young Scientists) Researcher from 2020-21. Alejandro provided background information on the GloSYS LAC study trajectory and research done in the first grant period. He then discussed three key areas which emerged from exploratory interviews: 1. Meanings of being an Early-Career Researcher (ECR) in LAC; 2. English as strategy and constraint; and 3. The tension between career and life goals.
GYA members Alma Hernández-Mondragón, Paulina Carmona-Mora and alumna Almas Taj Awan addressed the aims of the GYA GloSYS working group members to advance research and capacity building for ECRs worldwide, but with a current focus on the LAC region. Productive discussions in breakout rooms followed.
Related publications
- GYA Working Paper. This literature review preceded the qualitative interview phase which was discussed during the workshop: “Reviewing research on researchers: Our knowledge of early-career researchers in Latin America and the Caribbean“
- The UNESCO Science Report 2021(see the Latin American chapter) and accompanying summary video.