The GYA Plastic Problem Solution Incubator started work in July 2020 and closed again in June 2022. The group had started from the concerned observation that plastic, in specific small particles, can be found almost everywhere, and had wondered what if we could join efforts and find solutions to this problem that affects our environment, and people around the world?
The main goal of this Incubator group was to join existing initiatives worldwide, and align our efforts to reach solutions faster and effectively to problems caused by plastic contamination. Plastic micro- and nanoparticles, can break-off from larger pieces, or come from cosmetics, food packaging, fishing nets, and washed clothes. Even more worrying was the fact that we have little understanding on the effects these small particles have on the human health and the overall impact on the environment.
Activists’ focus (and some governments) was on the plastic litter found in the environment led to less plastic bags usage and collecting floating waste, but focused on marine environments. In parallel, scientist have been distracted from urgent problems, particularly, the much smaller particles we do not see. This is why group members were hoping that their idea would mitigate urgent problems NOW.
The group had started by working to increase awareness of the most urgent problems that had been identified by previous initiatives, and possibly identify underserved points of attention where the GYA can really make a visible impact.
It closed in June 2022.
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