
News of the Global Young Academy

Three new GYA Focus Areas

At the e-Annual General Meeting in June 2020, GYA members discussed a number of topics and decided on three focus areas as priority topics for the GYA in 2020/21.


Addressing systemic discrimination

This GYA Focus Area, which runs under the Science & Society theme, starts from the commitment that the GYA should work against all systemic bias that results in discrimination, and should look into best practices to combat systemic bias. As a first step, the group is currently drafting a statement on the GYA members’ commitment to end systemic discrimination.

Do you want to join this GYA focus area? Let the co-leads know what you would like to work on by sending an email here.


Harmonizing reason with sensibility to enable an inclusive and sustainable future

This GYA Focus Area, which runs under the Science & Society theme, starts from the observation that the current COVID-19 pandemic and resulting activities and interactions lead to scientists, stakeholders, and citizens re-thinking the value of science. Science does not need to be a coldly rational, impersonal and utilitarian force. Connecting science to emotional intelligence, common sense and cultural sensibilities will forge new bonds with society and restore trust.
The topic of this group also aligns with the topic chosen for the 2021 GYA AGM and Conference (in Japan, or online).

Do you want to join this GYA focus area? Let the co-leads know what you would like to work on by sending an email here.


Enabling access to online education

This GYA Focus Area, which runs under the Science Education and Outreach theme, starts from the observation that the right to education is a fundamental right. However, the shift to online teaching during the current COVID-19 pandemic led to large groups of students not being able to attend classes, which have been moved to take place online, either because of bad internet connectivity or lack of access to smartphones or computers. This results in educational underachievement, and severe stress and mental health issues.
At the same time, the COVID-19 pandemic merely made an issue more visible – unequal access to education – that has been evident for decades already.

Do you want to join this GYA focus area? Let the group know what you would like to work on by sending an email here.

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