This Focus Area ran from 2020 to 2022 and is now closed.
This GYA Focus Area started from the observation that the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting activities and interactions led to scientists, stakeholders, and citizens re-thinking the value of science. Science does not need to be a coldly rational, impersonal and utilitarian force. Connecting science to emotional intelligence, common sense and cultural sensibilities forges new bonds with society and restore trust.
It is also important to go beyond a facile opposition between tradition and science. Taking into account human intuition, technical skills, neglected disciplines and indigenous knowledge will enrich science and broaden society’s knowledge base.
The Focus Area worked to shape the GYA’s 2022 International Conference of Young Scientists in Japan on the same topic.
At the e-AGM in June 2020, GYA members discussed a number of topics and decided on three focus areas as priority topics for the GYA in 2020/21. In May 2021, the decision was made to continue with this group for the 2021/22 year.
This activity is not currently / no longer active.
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The group started work in June 2020, discussing and preparing panel concepts for the GYA 2021 Annual General Meeting and International Conference of Young Scientists, then postponed to 2022. The group continued to work together, shaping conference plans and developing a statement to be issued in 2022.
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