Members and alumni of the GYA and other young academies came together at the World Health Summit 2022 in Berlin to present “COVID-19 and Antimicrobial Resistance: Connections and Consequences”, and possible consequences for global health.
The session was co-chaired by GYA members Pradeep Kumar (University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa), Karen Cloete (University of South Africa) and Stefan Kohler (Heidelberg University, Germany), who are all members of the GYA Global Health working group.
After opening remarks by Pradeep, GYA member Andreea Molnar (Swinburne University of Technology, Australia) spoke about challenges and solutions for responsible antimicrobial use in the COVID-19 context. GYA alumnus Reza Afshari (University of British Columbia, Canada) then discussed COVID-19 exacerbation of antimicrobial resistance, drawing attention to neglected links and consequences with racial and minority groups in high-income countries.
Brazilian Young Academy member Angelica Thomas Vieira (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil) then discussed how dysregulation of the gut microbiota induced by COVID-19 contributes to the selection and dissemination of antimicrobial resistance. GYA member Fatemeh Mohammadipanah (University of Tehran, Iran) presented on post-COVID-19 and consequence of biocides (e.g., those in alcohol-based hand lotions) misusage.
Nurul Islam (International Islamic University Chittagong) shared insights about antimicrobial prescribing behaviors in Covid-19 patients based on a multi-centered survey at tertiary care hospitals in Bangladesh before the panel concluded and members of the audience posed questions and responded.
If you missed the presentation, the complete recording is available below.

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