Country of Residence
University of Southern Denmark
Mads Clausen Institute
Research Interests
Dr. Mirabbos Hojamberdiev is an Associate Professor at the Mads Clausen Institute, University of Southern Denmark. He received his Ph.D. in Materials Science from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan. After obtaining his Ph.D. degree, he made several short- and long-term research visits abroad, including Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan), Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology (China), Alfred University (USA), Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Technische Universität Darmstadt, and Technische Universität Berlin (Germany), Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina), and Universidad Nacional de IngenierÃa (Peru) to develop various advanced materials. His main research activity centers on the synthesis, characterization, and application of visible-light-responsive photocatalytic materials for energy and environmental applications. He has published over 230 research papers in international peer-reviewed journals and given talks at various international conferences, symposiums, and workshops. As one of the five top young scientists of the year (2004), he was awarded with the President’s Stipendium of the Republic of Uzbekistan. For his outstanding research, he has later received TWAS Prize for Young Scientists in Developing Countries (in Chemistry) in 2010, Atta-ur-Rahman Prize in Chemistry for Young Scientists in 2015, IUPAC-CHEMRAWN VII for Green Chemistry in 2018, Georg Forster Research Award given by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in 2019, European Commission’s Marie Curie Individual Fellowship in 2019, IUPAC-Zhejiang NHU International Award for Advancements in Green Chemistry in 2023, etc. Also, he is the recipient of prestigious fellowships from the Alexander von Humboldt (AvH), J. William Fulbright, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), Erasmus-Mundus, TOKYO TECH/UNESCO, TWAS/UNESCO Associateship, TWAS Visiting Expert Programme, and Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Presidents International Fellowships (PIFE). He is currently serving as a Visiting Professor at the Institute of Science Tokyo, Japan, and Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan. He is a member of American Chemical Society (ACS), Royal Soceity of Chemistry (RSC), Danish Chemical Society, International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, etc.