Alumni of the GYA
Country of Residence
GYA Roles
University of Rajshahi
Department of Physics
Rajshahi 6205
Research Interests
Nuclear Physics: Nuclear interactions
Particle Physics: Lattice QCD, Hadronic physics
General: Anthropic bounds
Topics to speak on:
Open science, open access, access to research literature, infrastucture, software etc. in developing countries, predatory publishing, and other aspects of academic publishing.
Dream is not that which you see while sleeping; it is something that does not let you sleep. – A P J Abdul Kalam
1996 (held 1999) MSc, Rajshahi University, 2004 PhD, University of Southampton: Professor, Department of Physics, University of Rajshahi; Co-Chair, IAP Working Group on Combatting Predatory Academic Journals and Conferences; Associate Fellow, Bangladesh Academy of Sciences; Member, National Young Academy of Bangladesh; Junior Associate 2001,2004-2011, Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy: Agrani Bank Gold Medal (Top marks in Faculty of Science, Rajshahi Univ.), Commonwealth Scholar 2001-2004, Razzak-Shamsun Physics Research Award 2003 (Best research by a Bangladeshi physicist in a year), TWAS Young Scientist Award Bangladesh 2010 – Physical Sciences: Junior Category, Pioneering role in a consortium (BIPC, now named LiCoB) of Bangladesh academic libraries for access to e-resources, Member of International Advisory Board, AuthorAid, Current research interests: novel non-monotonic nuclear potentials from energy density functional calculations, nuclear potentials from lattice QCD, exotic baryons etc., Additional interest: high performance computing on clusters, Papers in Eur. Phys. J. A, Europhys. Lett, JHEP, J. Phys. G, Nucl. Phys. B, Phys. Lett. B, Phys. Rev. C. etc.
TWAS Young Scientist Award Bangladesh 2010 – Physical Sciences: Junior Category
Razzak-Shamsun Physics Research Award 2003 (Best research by a Bangladeshi physicist in a year)
Agrani Bank Gold Medal (Top marks in Faculty of Science, University of Rajshahi)
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