The new JRC report “Understanding Our Political Nature”, co-created by more than 60 experts and policy makers, including GYA members Robert Lepenies, Roberta D’Alessandro and Koen Vermeir, was launched on 18 July 2019 in Brussels. The report explains a new way of science-informed policy making that will reshape the practice of science advice, as well as policy and politics more broadly. You can read the report here: https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/en/facts4eufuture/understanding-our-political-nature.
Koen Vermeir, Co-Chair of the GYA, was one of the keynotes at the launch, highlighting the GYA as one of the new voices in science advice. He explained that the GYA brings a distinct interdisciplinary and global perspective on the most important issues of the day and is committed to building a bridge between academia and policymakers.