GYA members Paulina Carmona-Mora (University of California-Davis, United States), Luisa Echeverria (Universidad Simón Bolívar, Colombia), Alma Cristal Hernández (Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico), incoming members Luisa Diele-Viegas (UFBA, Brazil), Wilson Alavia Medina (Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Chile), and alumnus Fernando Valiente (Universidad de Chile) attended the Global Knowledge Dialogue in Chile, an event organized by the International Science Council (ISC), that convened an impressive group of researchers, organizations, and key stakeholders from the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region, including government officials, presidents of national science academies, ambassadors and other science leaders from Latin America.
Luisa Echeverria, who is also a ISC Regional Focal Point for LAC Liaison Committee Member, and Paulina both contributed their perspectives on how best to elevate the voices of EMCRs in the LAC region. Paulina presented how context, in this case the LAC region, is important when designing programs to support ECMRs, providing examples from her career, as well as GYA activities and outcomes from the Latin America and the Caribbean Scientific Leadership Programme (LAC-SLP). Both Luisa and Alma, as a founding member of the Mexican Young Academy, presented case studies on “Showcasing EMCR participation in global science”.
The pre-event “ISC Early and Mid-Career Researchers (EMCRs) Forum: Latin America and the Caribbean“, co-organized with the Global Young Academy, provided space for participants from the region to discuss regional collaboration and network-building, together with challenges and opportunities for EMCs in the region. It included GYA Co-Chair Felix Moronta (International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Italy), who shared his personal journey as an EMCR from the LAC region via video remarks, and GYA Senior Project Officer Anna-Maria Gramatté. who also contributed remotely on “The global young academies landscape”. The event provided a space for exchange, learning and collaboration among the younger member organisations of the ISC and the wider EMCR community and helped young scientists to coordinate among themselves to have a stronger voice and representation in the ISC strategy, activities and in the international scientific community.

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Additionally, ECMRs from the Marie Curie Alumni Association, Colombian Young Academy, the Mexican Young Academy, Argentinian Young Academy, OWSD regional representatives, TYAN, and other early-career organizations attended the dialogue. Regional initiatives and impact-case studies were presented in the forum, which aimed to foster collaboration and coordination among ISC and EMCR members, strengthening their voice in ISC strategy and the global scientific community. The event also highlighted the activities of the ISC Regional Focal Point for Latin America and the Caribbean.