
News of the Global Young Academy

GYA endorses Open Access statement on article processing charge policies

The GYA supports Open Science and Open Access in a variety of ways, including our collaboration with the Open Research Europe publishing consortium, our Open Science working group, and now also through our endorsement of the Statement titled “Article Processing Charge (APC) Policies on Open Access (OA) Publishing Model: The Impact on Developing Countries and the Need for a Multilateral Solution.”

The Statement challenges the author-pays OA publishing model, which incurs extremely high publication costs for authors and are often bundled into one article processing charge (APC). This approach places undue burdens on researchers from low-income countries around the world, which the GYA strongly opposes.

The initiative arose from a group of early-career scientists, including GYA member Luciana Balboa (Institute of Experimental Medicine- CONICET, National Academy of Medicine, Argentina), members of the TWAS Young Affiliates Network (TYAN) and the Argentinian Young Academy (AJA), in collaboration with a number of National Young Academies and partner institutions illustrated above.

We invite you to read the full statement, and if you are so inclined, to become a signatory.

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