Profile picture of: Flávia Ferreira Pires


Federal University of Paraíba

Social Sciences

Universidade Federal da Paraíba

Centro de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes

Departamento de Ciências Sociais

Cidade Universitária. Campus I

João Pessoa/ Paraíba/ Brazil

CEP 58051-900

Research Interests

Childhood Studies

Anthropology of Children

Sociology of Childhood


Topics to speak on:

political participation of children, rights of children, childhood in the contemporary world, condicional cash transfer programs

Words of Wisdom

Com licença poéticaAdélia Prado.Quando nasci um anjo esbelto,desses que tocam trombeta, anunciou:vai carregar bandeira.Cargo muito pesado pra mulher,esta espécie ainda envergonhada.Aceito os subterfúgios que me cabem,sem precisar mentir.Não sou tão feia que não possa casar,acho o Rio de Janeiro uma beleza eora sim, ora não, creio em parto sem dor.Mas o que sinto escrevo. Cumpro a sina.Inauguro linhagens, fundo reinos– dor não é amargura.Minha tristeza não tem pedigree,já a minha vontade de alegria,sua raiz vai ao meu mil avô.Vai ser coxo na vida é maldição pra homem.Mulher é desdobrável. Eu sou.


I completed my bachelor degree in Social Sciences. I earned a Master´s and PhD degrees in Social Anthropology at the National Museum, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.  I also have had the opportunity to take a part of my PhD studies in London, at Brunel University. This opportunity allowed me to meet with people from different ethnic and national backgrounds.

I have been a post-doc visiting researcher at the University of Sheffield, England, Department of Sociology (2012-2014) and a post-doc researcher at Museu Nacional, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2008).
I received my PhD and became a professor at a young age. Since then, I have been leading various research projects, mainly aiming at understanding the everyday lives of children from their own perspectives and the macro structures that outline their existence. I have published over forty papers, book chapters, and books in influential periodicals and journals in Brazil and elsewhere, highlighting my contribution to the dissemination of science and engagement with high-quality results. In 2012 I was granted Bolsa Produtividade, a prestigious scholarship, from The Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development for high achievement scientists.
Furthermore, I am a mother of two young girls, aged two and five years old, who inspire my positive attitude towards the betterment of science in society given its social and individual transformation power.


Bolsista Nota 10 FAPERJ
