The 2022 GYA Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held online from 13-17 June 2022, in connection with the International Conference of Young Scientists on the topic “Harmonizing Reason with Sensibility: Regenerating science for an inclusive and sustainable future”.
The International Conference was hosted by the Young Academy of Japan, with support from the Science Council of Japan (SCJ), at Kyushu University in Fukuoka, Japan. Online participation was made possible for GYA members, alumni and partner organisations from around the world.
Meeting Output and Outcomes
Summary and Highlights of AGM and Conference including panel recordings and daily overviews.
Conference Statement: GYA releases Fukuoka Declaration on Science-Society Relationship – Global Young Academy
Networking Meetings in 2022 and 2023: Because a full in-person meeting was not possible in 2022, the GYA funded smaller, member-organized networking meetings. Read a report on 6 meetings around the world here: 2022-23 Networking Meetings support personal connections within the GYA – Global Young Academy
Science Leadership Workshop for New GYA Members: GYA Science Leadership Workshop 2022 (
Spin-off cartoon produced by LOC members based on the Fukuoka Declaration.
Partners and Funding Institutions
The International Conference of Young Scientists was co-organised by Kyushu University and the Public Interest Incorporated Foundation, the Japan Science Support Foundation and the Harada Koji Fund.
Co-sponsored by: Japan National Tourism Organization
Supported by: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Japan Academy of Nursing Science, The Ecological Society of Japan, The Chemical Society of Japan, The Society of Polymer Science, Japan, Tsukuba Conference Organizing Council, Japanese Association for the Advancement of Science (JAAS), The Japanese Society for DNA Polymorphism Research, The Japanese Psychological Association, Japanese Association of Benthology.
This conference was also partially supported by “Comprehensive Support Program for the Development of Globally Competent Researchers” from Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST).
Networking Meetings (see report above) were funded by a grant from the InterAcademies Partnership.
The GYA thanks the Betty and Gordon Moore Foundation for funding to support another successful online Science Leadership Workshop for 2022 new GYA members.