In December 2022, more than 15 GYA members and alumni served as panelists and speakers as scientists from around the world gathered at the World Science Forum (WSF) in Cape Town, South Africa, to focus on the social and economic…
The Triennial Conference of the InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) and the Worldwide Meeting of Young Academies took place from 1-3 November 2022, both online and at the University of Arizona’s Biosphere 2, in the US. Co-hosted by the U.S. National Academy…
As a member of the InterAcademy Partnership (IAP), the GYA nominated several of its members to IAP leadership and committee positions. Following an online election in summer 2022, IAP member academies elected the 2022-2024 Governance and at their recent General…
The GYA is happy to welcome the Rwanda Young Academy of Science to the family of Young Academies the world over! The RYAS aims to contribute solutions to challenges facing society at a national and global scale; provide a platform…
Conference of Global Science Academies, Including Young Academies for the First Time, Will Explore How to Make Research Systems More Inclusive, Effective, and Sustainable The Triennial Conference of the InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) and the Worldwide Meeting of Young Academies…
The GYA’s mission is to give a voice to young scientists worldwide. We are therefore very happy – together with all young academies the world over – to welcome the 51st young academy: the Young Academy of Ireland (YAI) was…
Welcome to the 50th Young Academy – in June 2022, the UK Young Academy was launched, bringing the number of (mostly national) young academies the world over up to 50 now. Launch of the Young Academy of Ireland – in…
GYA Alumnus Gergely Toldi (University of Auckland, New Zealand) has won the André Mischke Young Academy of Europe Prize for Science and Policy! The Young Academy of Europe Prize is awarded annually to mid-career professionals in recognition of their outstanding…
The GYA’s mission is to give a voice to young scientists worldwide. We are therefore very happy – together with all young academies the world over – to welcome the 50th young academy: the UK Young Academy was launched in…
Young Academies from all over Europe met in Brussels, Belgium, on 10-12 May 2022. The meeting, organised and hosted by the Belgian Young Academy, brought together representatives from 21 young academies and academy initiatives; some representatives joined online. The GYA…
by GYA Executive Committee member Anna Harris (University of Maastricht, Netherlands) (Note: Many thanks to GYA Senior Communications Officer Jim Curtiss for his collaboration on this post.) Facing a paywall A few years ago while I was precariously positioned…
2022 Arab-Germany Young Academy membership call The Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities (AGYA) Call for Membership Applications 2022 is now open. The AGYA promotes research cooperation among outstanding early-career researchers (3-10 years after PhD) from all disciplines who…
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