
News of the Global Young Academy

YSAP Mission in Israel

GYA member Mona Khoury-Kassabri from the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, hosted a GYA Young Scientist Ambassador Programme (YSAP) mission in June 2019. GYA member Mahesh Kumar, a professor of Microelectronics at the Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur, India, met research scholars, young scientists, and professors to discuss ways to develop future collaborative research.

Mahesh delivered talks on emerging 2D materials for energy efficient NO2 sensors for environmental monitoring, introduced the GYA and the Indian National Young Academy of Science (INYAS) to 50 young scientists and 17 professors. He also visited the nano-centre, photonic and solar system labs of Bar-Ilan and the Hebrew Universities and discussed the possibility of future research collaboration and academic exchanges between India and Israel.

As a key outcome of the mission, Mahesh started a joint research programme with Professor Yossi Paltiel (The Hebrew University) and Professor Michael Rosenbluh (Bar-Ilan University) on 2D materials and devices. Mahesh also helped Mona to start a student and faculty exchange programme with Tata Institute of Social Sciences Mumbai, India.

A full report of the YSAP mission can be found here.

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