
News of the Global Young Academy

YSAP Mission in India

As part of a collaboration between two GYA members, Mirabbos Hojamberdiev (Uzbekistan) of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, Uzbekistan visited the Indian Institute of Technology in Jodhpur, India from 11-27 December 2018. While in India, Mirabbos conducted two YSAP activities: (i) a science outreach programme at the Government Senior Secondary School of Barni Khurd, and (ii) a seminar talk and visit with researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology in Jodhpur, India.

YSAP activity at Senior Secondary School of Barni Khurd:

On 15 December 2018, Mirabbos introduced the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), particularly GOAL 7: Affordable and Clean Energy, hydrogen as a clean and renewable energy source and production of hydrogen by solar light, at the Government Senior Secondary School of Barni Khurd, Bhopalgarh, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India. Then, Mirabbos led 20+ schoolgirls and 10+ teachers to perform a scientific experiment on water splitting by electrolysis for hydrogen gas generation. He also talked to students and teachers about how he became a scientist and why the world needs scientists and introduced his research to develop visible-light-active photocatalytic materials for removal of organic water and air pollutants and water splitting for hydrogen production.

YSAP activity at Indian Institute of Technology in Jodhpur:

On 24 December 2018, Mirabbos together with GYA member Mahesh Kumar (India) overviewed their collaborative research work and discussed future possibilities in applying for joint projects and creating student exchanges at the Indian Institute of Technology in Jodhpur. Mirabbos presented his research work on solar water splitting for hydrogen generation and water purification using transition metal oxynitrides. The students were introduced to the UN SDGs along with 12 principles of Green Chemistry. Mirabbos also presented the past, present and future state of their collaboration in developing efficient photocatalysts and sensors. Finally, he introduced the GYA and the Young Scientist Ambassador Programme (YSAP) and international postdoc programmes to the students.

See here for a more detailed mission report.

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