
GYA Inclusive Leadership Workshop

The GYA Focus Group on addressing systemic discrimination has been working on how to support GYA members in reflecting on systemic bias that results in discrimination, and how to avoid this. This has led to the idea to develop a training workshop to look into best practices to combat systemic bias, to reiterate trust in fundamental human rights, in the self-respect and worth of the human in academia and other places.

The group is now happy to announce the convening of a workshoponline on 26 and 27 April 2023. The concept is being developed together with our facilitation partners at Inclusive Innovation.

What’s in a name?

Originally titled the Anti-Discrimination Workshop, the group has decided to rename these events as the GYA Inclusive Leadership Workshop. Embracing the principles of appreciative inquiry, participants will seek out new potentials and opportunities that allow exploration, and embedding learnings within the GYA, so that all may benefit now, and in the future.

These workshops are meant as the start of a much wider conversation! GYA Members – check your e-mail inboxes for an invitation to register. Please direct any questions to .


Event Details
Date and time
26 April 2023 - 27 April 2023
(All day event)
No physical event location provided.
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