
Strategies, Constraints and the Professional Lives of ECRs in LAC

Join the Global Young AcademyInter American Institute for Global Change Research, and National Science Policy Network‘s Science Diplomacy Committee on Friday, October 29th from 4:00-5:30 pm CDT as we jointly host a learning opportunity and happy hour social. The event will explore the current challenges and experiences of early career researchers in Latin America and the Caribbean, aiming to highlight key experiences this demographic faces as they navigate their careers. Additionally, it will also provide participants the opportunity to connect with one another over their shared experiences.

The event will kick off with a 30 min presentation and Q&A with Dr. Alejandro Miranda-Nieto, who will discuss the primary findings of the Global Young Academy’s GloSYS LAC upcoming working paper:

Strategies, Constraints and the Professional Lives of Early Career Researchers in Latin America and the Caribbean

Early-career researchers are crucial to the future of scholarly research. It comes to no surprise that they are widely regarded as key actors in advancing knowledge societies. However, their experiences do not always reflect this importance, as many struggle with the casualization of jobs, financial insecurity, and many other societal issues impacting their careers and personal lives. How do the social contexts in which young researchers live and work shape their experiences, decisions and career aspirations?

This presentation draws from a recent qualitative study focusing on young researchers from Latin America and the Caribbean. It concentrates on how they define themselves as early career researchers (or not); their views on using English as lingua franca in science communication; and the dissonances between their career development and personal lives. The aim of this presentation is to inform and promote the debate about the state of early career searchers in this region and around the world.


Following the presentation, participants will have the opportunity to mingle for an hour in rotating Zoom breakout rooms. This time can be used to reflect, discuss their own experiences as early career researchers in academia, and support each other.

Background resources – related publications: 

  1. Reviewing research on researchers: Our knowledge of early-career researchers in Latin America and the Caribbean
  2. The UNESCO Science Report 2021(see the Latin American chapter) and accompanying summary video.

Pre-registration for the event is required in order to facilitate Zoom breakout room design. Registration can be completed at this link:


Event Details
Date and time
29 October 2021 - 30 October 2021
23:00 until 00:30 hrs UTC
No physical event location provided.
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