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This is the GYA’s main blog channel, bringing you the perspectives of GYA’s members and alumni, sometimes joined by external partners from around the world. Blog entries cover a broad range of topics related to cutting edge science and research, science for policy and policy for science.
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The purpose of the Rainbow Corner is to provide a regular space for GYA members (or their colleagues) who identify as LGBTQAI+, as well as allies supporting this cause, to share brief contributions on their unique experience in academia – be it negative, positive, or (as these things often are) nuanced and complex.
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Each year, beginning on the United Nations Day of #womenandgirlsinscience, we celebrate #WomenInSTEM by sharing stories from our #WomenInScience WG. Throughout Feb., #ThisLittleGirlIsMe #GYAblog posts will appear regularly until #InternationalWomensDay on 8 March.
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