
News of the Global Young Academy

GYA members contribute to JRC’s Enlightenment 2.0 Flagship Report

The European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC) held a kick-off workshop of its Enlightenment 2.0 Flagship Report at the end of May 2018 in Brussels, Belgium. GYA members Roberta D’Allessandro (Netherlands), Robert Lepenies (Germany) and Koen Vermeir (France) are among the 59 experts who will contribute to the report, which is due to be published by the end of 2018.

The JRC, as the European Commission’s science and knowledge service and provider of regulatory science, is seeking to understand and explain the drivers that influence policy decisions and political discourse, in order to optimise the way scientific evidence is used in policy-making. More information on the report project is available here. You can also follow the project on Twitter at #enlightenment2.


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