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On 13 June, the Science Advice for Policy-making Workshop was held in collaboration between the GYA and the Young Academy of Japan.
INGSA and INGSA-Asia provided mentors for this workshop, including Binyam Sisey Mendisu (Vice President of INGSA and GYA alumni, Ethiopia), Tateo Arimoto (GRIPS Japan and INGSA Board Member), Reiko Kuroda (Board member, INGSA-Asia), Yuval Vurgan (Knesset Research and Information Center), Mitsunobu Kano (Dean of Pharmacy Department, Okayama University), and Markus Prutsch (GYA member; European Parliament, Belgium).
GYA member Yoko Shimpuku, (Hiroshima University, Japan), Chair of the GYA’s AGM 2022, and Alma Hernández-Mondragón (Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico) were moderators.
The 44 participants of the workshop were divided into small groups with the mentors and discussed the challenges and future of science advice.
The participants discussed ways of bridging gaps between scientists and policy-makers, as well as the role of the GYA as the hub of developing scientists in science advice.