
News of the Global Young Academy

Latin America and Caribbean countries a focus during AGM workshop

The first formal workshop for the GloSYS Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) project was opened with Anna Coussens (Australia) talking through the key successes and challenges that have characterised the GloSYS Africa project – which is currently drawing to a close. Anna highlighted three pillars critical to any successful GloSYS project: people, logistics and funding.

Hsin-Chou Yang (Taiwan), an actively engaged GYA alumnus, shifted the conversation then to the structure of the survey and the challenges his team experiences with analysing large volumes of complex data. With both of their insights in mind, Karen Wiemann (former GYA Intern) and Sandra Lopez-Verges (Panama) shared their knowledge of higher education in the region, which helped guide a collaborative discussion about the importance of a GloSYS LAC project.

An exciting outcome is the formation of a core group of people who will lead the development of an academic paper that is anticipated to underpin a more formalised funding proposal!

Building on the fresh enthusiasm generated out of the discussions of the need for GloSYS LAC project, Co-Chairs Tolu Oni (UK) and Connie Nshemereirwe (Uganda) opened discussion on the development of National Young Academies (NYAs) in the LAC region. This discussion was furthered by Howard Alper (former Co-Chair of the IAP), who shared his experiences, vision and encouragement for pursuing the development of NYAs in the LAC region.

These discussions were enriched by the regional expertise shared by Luiz Davidovich (GYA Advisory Board Member) from Brazil. In conjunction with the information shared by GYA members from LAC regions, Tolu and Connie were able to explain what role the GYA and its members can and do have in facilitating that process – and importantly, begin the process of identifying who can take these discussions forward from within the GYA!


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