
News of the Global Young Academy

François Légaré honored with 2015 Herzberg Medal

20150318_01_Francois Legare honored with Herzberg Medal
Photo: Christan Fleury Photographe

GYA member François Légaré is selected to receive 2015 Herzberg Medal for Contributions in Ultrafast Molecular Imaging.

Global Young Academy (GYA) member and Professor of the Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS) Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications Research Centre François Légaré has been awarded the 2015 Herzberg Medal by the Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP). He received the award in recognition of his outstanding contributions in ultrafast molecular imaging and the development of high peak power infrared lasers for high harmonic generation and tissue imaging using optical nonlinear microscopy. CAP will officially present the 2015 Herzberg Medal to Professor Légaré at its Annual Congress in Edmonton in June 2015.

François Légaré is the second GYA member to receive this prestigious award, two years after Frederico Rosei who is working at the INRS as well.


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