
2024 European Young Academies Meeting

Young Academies from all over Europe will meet in Berlin, Germany, on 21-23 May 2024. The meeting will be co-organised by the German Young Academy – Die Junge Akademie and the Global Young Academy, and will continue discussions from the 2023 meeting, including discussing best practices and areas of joint interest.

The GYA will be represented by YASAS delegate and member of the 2023/24 EC Markus Prutsch (European Parliament, Austria) and YASAS Observer and co-lead of the UN SDG Incubator group Stella Tsani (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece), as well as GYA Senior Project Officer Anna-Maria Gramatté, and a number of GYA members will participate wearing their respective national young academy hats.

Moreover, the meeting will include a joint meeting with ALLEA, the European Federation of Academies of Sciences and Humanities, thereby for the second time after the successful 2022 joint meeting bringing together the young academies from Europe with the continent’s established science academies.

Additionally, on 23 May 2024, SAPEA (Science Advice for Policy by European Academies) will offer two consecutive workshops on ‘Academy interactions for better policy advice’ as part of its efforts to strengthen the links between European academies. The workshops will be hosted by ALLEA and the Young Academies for Science Advice Structure (YASAS), respectively. The ALLEA-led morning session ‘Cooperation between Academies in scientific advice’ aims to exchange examples of best practices on how academies collaborate bilaterally, across Europe or internationally, to provide scientific advice. In the afternoon, YASAS will lead an interactive session on ‘Achieving diversity, inclusiveness, and the involvement of Early- and Mid-Career Researchers (EMCRs) in scientific advice’. These workshops invite delegates from both young and established science academies to explore processes of scientific advice mechanisms, increase familiarity with them, and identify areas for improvement.

Programme: LINK

Participation: Please note that participation in the ENYA meetings is open to Young Academy delegates selected by their academy only. We invite every ENYA Young Academy to select up to two member representatives and up to one staff person for the meeting. Young academy initiatives are welcome to register one person. If you have any questions about eligibility, please contact the Junge Akademie’s Managing Director Alexandra Heidle-Chhatwani. Young Academy delegates (members and staff) can register via the ALLEA registration website by 15 March 2024.

A brief meeting report is available here.

Event Details
Date and time
21 May 2024 - 23 May 2024
(All day event)