1 November 2022 - 3 November 2022 All Day
Biosphere 2, Oracle Arizona
The Worldwide Meeting of Young Academies 2022 was for the first time ever organised in collaboration with the InterAcademy Partnership, to strengthen connections and collaborations between the young and the established science academies the world over. The meeting was hosted by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences (NAS) and the Royal Society of Canada (RSC) and co-organized by IAP, the Global Young Academy (GYA), NAS, RSC, the RSC College, and the NAS New Voices Program. It was a hybrid meeting,...

24 November 2021 All Day
This series of five free webinars is designed to help researchers in their respective regions learn more about predatory academic practices and minimise their risk of using them. The webinars will be hosted by the InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) with the Global Young Academy (GYA), the Association of Academies and Societies of Sciences in Asia (AASSA), the European Academies’ Science Advisory Council (EASAC), the Inter-American Network of Academies of Science (IANAS), the Network of African Science Academies (NASAC), and The World...

5 March 2020 - 6 March 2020 All Day
Nairobi, Kenya, Nairobi

19 September 2018 - 20 September 2018 All Day
Nairobi, Kenya, Nairobi
In partnership with the Network of African Science Academies (NASAC) the InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) is organising a workshop on the UN SDGs. It will identify targeted, locally relevant ways in which the academies can support the implementation of the SDGs, building on their own national and regional capacity. The workshop will engage all interested members of NASAC, together with Global Young Academy and National Young Academy members in the region, and national and regional policymakers. The workshop is the fourth of...

24 October 2016 - 26 October 2016 All Day
Mauritius, Mauritius
The 2nd Africa Young Academies Regional Conference entitled “Empowering the Next Generation of Scientists in Africa” took place from 24-26 October 2016 in Mauritius. It brought together representatives from all existing National Young Academies (NYAs) in Africa, as well as NYA Initiatives and young scientists from the other countries in the NASAC network together with the NASAC member academies. The meeting was organised by the Global Young Academy with support from the University of Mauritius and The Mauritius Academy of...

3 February 2014 - 5 February 2014 All Day
Nairobi, Kenya, Nairobi
The conference on “Accelerating science for development in Africa by increasing the momentum and impact of National Young Academies” was organised by the Global Young Academy (GYA) in cooperation with the Network of African Science Academies (NASAC). It brought together representatives from the NASAC member academies with all existing National Young Academies (NYAs) in Africa, as well as representatives from NYA initiatives and other young scientists from the countries in the NASAC network. The main objective of the first African...