The Global Young Academy completed its General Assembly 2013 hosted by the German National Academy of Sciences, Leopoldina, in Halle (Saale), Germany. During the meeting members from more than 50 countries elected their new leadership, including two co-chairs, for the coming year. The election brought to the head of this global academy for the first time an Egyptian young scientist, Sameh Soror, alongside the re-elected co-chair Rees Kassen (Canada).
“The position will no doubt contribute hugely to Sameh’s personal development as a leader in the scientific community” said outgoing co-chair Bernard Slippers (South Africa) “and offers unparalleled opportunities to connect his science, and science in Egypt, internationally.”
Having spent a large part of his life in Germany and Belgium as a graduate student and researcher, Sameh Soror returned to Egypt in 2011 to participate in rebuilding the country. Sameh Soror is currently establishing a new research center for scientific excellence for structural biology and drug design in Cairo.
The newly elected chair, Sameh Soror, is committed to his new position, saying, “I will do my best to help the GYA achieve its goals and will work hard with my colleagues to be the voice of young scientists through this Academy.”