Country of Residence
GYA Roles
Universidade da Coruña (UDC)
ESOMI, Facuty of Sociology
‘María Zambrano’ Senior Distinguished Researcher
Universidade Da Coruña (UDC)
Faculty of Sociology
Research Interests
-Contemporary History.
-History of European Integration.
-A History of the EU’s Free Movement of Persons.
-Comparative Regional Integration and Global Governance.
-EC/EU Enlargement Processes and International Relations.
-Spain and the European Integration Process.
-The End of the Cold War and the EU’s Eastward Enlargement Process.
-European Identity and Citizenship.
-Philosophy of Time and Time Perception.
-Myth-making Processes and Political Communication.
-Critical Discourse Analysis.
-Oral History.
-Digital Humanities.
Topics to speak on:
European Integration; Comparative Regional Integration; Global Governance; Contemporary History; Digital Humanities; Discourse Analysis; Oral History; Migration and Human Mobility Rights
Personally coined motto as a passionate historian:
PhD. in History and Civilization (History of European Integration) by the European University Institute of Florence (EUI):
‘Santander’ Senior Fellow – Oxon / Senior Member – St. Antony’s College, Oxford
‘María Zambrano’ Senior Distinguished Researcher
Universidade Da Coruña (UDC)
Faculty of Sociology
Member of the Executive Committee of the GYA from 2021
Full Member of the Spanish National Young Academy – Academia Joven de España (AJE):
Fellow of the Young Academy of Europe (YAE):
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‘Marie Skłodowska-Curie’ Senior Global Fellow and Principal Investigator (PI) of the EU Horizon 2020 research project ‘Navigating Schengen: Historical Challenges and Potentialities of the EU’s Free Movement of Persons, 1985-2015’ (NAVSCHEN) at the European Studies Center (ESC) – Jean Monnet EU Center of Excellence (JMEUCE) of the UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH and at the CA’ FOSCARI UNIVERSITY OF VENICE.
Website as EU Horizon 2020 Project PI – Ca’ Foscari University of Venice:
MSCA Senior Global Fellow at the European Studies Center (ESC) at the University of Pittsburgh:
She previously worked as Assistant Professor in European Culture and Politics at the Chair of European Politics and Society and at the Chair of European Culture of the University of Groningen. She then held a trilingual position with teaching responsibilities in English, French and Spanish:
In June 2019 Dr. Blanco Sío-López was ‘Oxford Centre for Economic and Social History’ Invited Lecturer at St. Hilda’s College, UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD:
In March 2019 she was ‘Law, Justice and Society’ Invited Lecturer at Wolfson College, UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD.
She received the 2018-2019 Council for European Studies (CES) – IMSISS Senior Visiting Fellowship Award at the University of Glasgow. Selected by the Council for European Studies (CES) – Columbia University, the EU’s Erasmus+ programme and the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) in Security, Intelligence and Strategic Studies (IMSISS) as 2018-2019 IMSISS-CES Senior Visiting Fellow specialised in Human Mobility Rights and European Integration at the University of Glasgow.
In 2017-2018 she was Santander Senior Fellow in Iberian and European Studies at the European Studies Centre (ESC) – St. Antony’s College of the UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD, where she remains a Senior Member.
She gave the 2018 Santander Senior Fellow Lecture on ‘The Historical Building of the EU’s Free Movement of Persons’ at the UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD and organised the 2018 European Studies Centre Santander Conference on ‘Belonging and Displacement’ at the ESC – St. Antony’s College, UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD.
Dr. Blanco Sío-López lectured on European Integration Studies, Comparative Regional Integration and Global Governance at the following UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD research centres and colleges: The European Studies Centre (ESC); the Latin American Centre; St. Antony’s College; Worcester College and All Souls College.
Dr. Blanco Sío-López was also a GYA Facilitator and Lecturer on ‘Qualitative Approaches to Human Mobility and European Integration’ for the EU Science Hub Evidence-informed policymaking – European Commission – Joint Research Centre (JRC) Masterclasses at the ‘Evidence and Policy Summer School 2018 on Science, Policy and Demography: The role of population and migration for sustainable development in the European Neighbourhood’. These Masterclasses were held at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in Laxenburg, Austria.
In 2017 Dr. Blanco Sío-López was Invited Lecturer in European Integration History and Digital Humanities at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Lille; Jean Monnet EUCE Research Scholar in Residence 2017 at the European Studies Center (ESC) – Jean Monnet European Union (EU) Center of Excellence (JMEUCE) of the University of Pittsburgh and Invited Scholar at the Faculty of Law of the UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE and the Center for the History of Global Development at Shanghai University –上海大学.
In 2016 she worked as European Commission Expert, Rapporteur and Evaluator for the EU Research Executive Agency (REA) – EU Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Programme (MSCA-IF); Expert and Evaluator for EU COST – Cooperation for Science and Technology in Europe – EU Horizon 2020; EUI Vibeke Sørensen Fellow; Salzburg Global Seminar Guest Lecturer and Fellow – SSASA 14 and Visiting Lecturer on Human Rights and on the History of the EU’s Free Movement of Persons at the Istituto per gli studi economici e giuridici Gioacchino Scaduto of the University of Perugia.
Dr. Blanco Sío-López was also Invited Expert on: EU Enlargement History and Political Communication at LSE IDEAS – London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) (2013 and 2016); EU Constitutional History at the Yale Law School (2016); History of European Integration and Imperial History at the All Souls College – UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD (2016 and 2019) and the History of the European External Action Service (EEAS), the Schengen Area and the EU Free Movement of Persons at the Faculty of Law and at the Sydney Sussex and Darwin Colleges – POLIS of the UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE (2014, 2016 and 2017).
She previously worked for six years as Full-time Established Researcher in European Studies (R3), Principal Investigator (PI) and Research Project Scientific Director at the Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l’Europe – University of Luxembourg, where she managed international research budgets of 3M € and 660.000 € as Principal Investigator (e.g.: EU FP7 projects: CUBRIK, Jean Monnet Action projects, Erasmus +, Digital Humanities EU CIP-ICT-PSP projects: ASSETS, etc.).
She worked as Lecturer of the MA in Contemporary European Studies and the MA in European Governance (Section ‘Regionalisms in World Politics’) at the University of Luxembourg. During her 6 years at the CVCE-University of Luxemburg she was the Principal Investigator (PI) of the project ‘Spain and the European Integration Process: Vectors of Convergence, Cohesion Factors and Shifting Paradigms’.
Dr. Blanco Sío-López also worked at the DG Enlargement (DG ELARG) of the European Commission in Brussels and at the US Congress – Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. She was Research and Academic Associate for three years at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS) in Florence (EU FP6 projects: NEWGOV, IConnectEU, EMEDIATE…), European Parliament Researcher (’50 Years of History of the European Parliament’ project) and taught European Studies for the Georgetown University in Salamanca.
Furthermore, she was a Lecturer, MA Thesis Supervisor and Member of the Scientific Committee of the MA in European Studies at the University of Siena and at the Jagiellonian University of Kraków and Adjunct / Guest Lecturer at the MAs in European Studies of the Universities of Siegen, Bologna, Maastricht, Salamanca, the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and the Universidad Nacional del Litoral (UNL) in Argentina.
She was also a Visiting Researcher at the Ruprecht-Karls Universität Heidelberg; the Freie Universität Berlin (FUB), as DAAD Research Scholar; the George Washington University (GWU); the Berliner Kolleg für Vergleichende Geschichte Europas (BKVGE); and completed the ‘Space Exploration Studies and an Astronaut Training Program’ at the NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville (AL, USA).
Dr. Blanco Sío-López holds both a PhD. and a Master of Research (MRes.) in History and Civilization — specialising in History of European Integration and Global History of the Present — from the European University Institute of Florence (EUI) as fully funded Researcher representing Spain at the EUI.
She received the ‘FAEY Best PhD Thesis European Research and Mobility Award 2008’ for her PhD Thesis at the EUI entitled ‘THE ILLUSION OF NEUTRAL TIME: Myths and Perceptions of the process of Eastward Enlargement of the European Union, 1990-2004’.
She also holds a MA Hon. in European History and Politics from the University of Edinburgh (awarded with High Honours, A) —within the ‘History of the Idea and the Reality of Europe’ Excellence Curriculum Development MA Programme, for which only 10 EU students are selected each year— and a BA in History from the University of Salamanca, for which she obtained the 2002 Highest GPA Award (A+), resulting in the 2002 Exchange Award of the Network of the oldest European universities at the Ruprecht-Karls Universität Heidelberg.
Dr. Blanco Sío-López coordinated and participated in numerous international research projects, conferences and peer-reviewed publications in Europe, Asia, and the Americas, focusing on: History of European Integration; EU Enlargement and the EU Free Movement of Persons; Spain and the European Integration Process; Comparative Regional Integration and Global Governance; Oral History; Critical Discourse Analysis and Digital Humanities, all from an interdisciplinary, comparative and global perspective.
She is also Accredited Project Manager by the Prince2 Foundation-APMG; Verified Peer Reviewer by Publons and Member of the EUI-RSCAS Global Governance Programme (GGP) Network as participant at the EUI-RSCAS Academy of Global Governance. She was EUI Ambassador and Section Chair and Convenor for the European International Relations Association (EISA).
Dr. Blanco Sío-López received the ‘Official Representative of the 2005-2006 European Commission Traineeship Programme Award’ as part of 50th Anniversary of the European Commission’s Traineeship Programme, held at the European Commission, in 2010, in Brussels. She was also granted the Austrian Presidency of the EU 2006 and the European Forum Alpbach Award in Salzburg as Representative of Spain interning at the European Commission (2005-06 EC BLUE BOOK TRAINEEE and EUI RESEARCH FELLOW, DG ELARG). She received the 1998 Extraordinary Secondary Education Academic Award in Spain and took part in the 1996 International Academic Programme ‘Ruta Quetzal – BBVA’, organised in Bolivia by the Complutense University of Madrid, the Spanish Government, the EU and the UNESCO.
Blanco Sío-López, Cristina, ‘Travelling Inwards: Wellbeing agency as a shifting priority for pandemic-impacted young researchers’, Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS), Cambridge, May 6, 2022
Blanco Sío-López, C., “Salvador de Madariaga’s meeting points with Julien Freund: ‘Europe’ as Construction and Evolution“, International Political Anthropology Journal (IPA), 2021, Vol. (14) 1, St. Catherine’s College – University of Cambridge, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5018911
Blanco Sío-López, C., “Schengen as a Political Territory: Sources of Differentiation in the EU’s Free Movement of Persons’ from 1985“, Politique européenne, Special Issue 2020/1 (67-68) ‘Differentiated European integration beyond mainstream approaches’, p. 26-52, Paris: CNRS – L’Harmattan, ISSN: 1623-6297, DOI: 10.3917/poeu.067.0026
Blanco Sío-López, C., “Decoupling Fundamental Rights and Security: A History of Human Mobility Rights in European Integration from 1985“, EuropeNow Journal, Council for European Studies (CES) – Columbia University, Issue 35, August 2020.
Blanco Sío-López, C,. “Transitional Margins to Re-Join the West: Spain’s Dual Strategy of Democratisation and Europeanisation” in Margins for Manoeuvre in Cold War Europe. The Influence of Smaller Powers, NY, Routledge / Taylor & Francis, 2019.
Blanco Sío-López, C., “The Future that Once Was: 1989, the EU’s Eastward enlargement and democracy’s missed chances” in 1989 and the West: Western Europe since the End of the Cold War, NY, Routledge / Taylor & Francis, 2019, pp. 169-187.
Blanco Sío-López, C., “Diplomatic Agent” in Dictionary of Statuses within EU Law: The Individual Statuses as Pillar of European Union Integration, Berlin, Springer EU Law Series, 2019, pp. 133-140.
Blanco Sío-López, C., ‘Precarity vs. academic inclusiveness’, Connections, Global Young Academy (GYA), German Academy of Sciences ‘Leopoldina’, Issue 7, 2019.
Blanco Sío-López, C., Contributor to the ‘Migration‘ section of the ‘Charta 2020: A Charter of European Public Goods‘, EUI – Agora Europa – Presented to the European Parliament (EP) in Brussels on 20 March 2019.
Blanco Sío-López, C., ‘The Warping of Winds’. Romulus (18), Wolfson College, UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD, 2018.
Blanco Sío-López, C., “Inner Tensions vs. Outer Change: Political Agency Impact on Cohesion Funds Implementation in Spain in the Context of the Maastricht Treaty”, Journal of European Integration History (JEIH), Special Issue 2017-vol.2, ISSN 0947-9511, Scopus (Elsevier), pp. 263-281, History 2017 – Q1.
Blanco Sío-López, C., “Unveiling Covectors. Correlating Migration and EC Enlargement in the Case of Spain”. Journal of European Integration History (JEIH). 2017 Special Issue: Peoples and Borders. Seventy Years of Movement of Persons in Europe, to Europe, from Europe (1945-2015). Nomos and European Union Liaison Committee of Historians, ISSN 0947-9511, pp. 211-237, Scopus (Elsevier), History, 2017 – Q1.
Blanco Sío-López, C.,”Designing Scenarios on Inclusive Globalisation: Europe 2020 and the Social Dimension of EU’s External Policy”, Book: ‘Austerity and the Implementation of the Europe 2020 Strategy in Spain. Re-shaping the European Productive and Social Model’, Complutense Institute of International Studies (ICEI), ISBN: 9782807604506, pp. 77-101.
Blanco Sío-López, C., (co-author) “Spain at the Crossroads: From the Economic Crisis to the 2014 European Parliament Elections”, Abstentionnisme, euroscepticisme et anti-européisme dans les élections européennes de 1979 à nos jours, Series: Studies in the History of European Integration (SHEI) – Institut d’études politiques de Strasbourg – Sciences Po Strasbourg – Laboratoire FARE EA 4374 ‘Frontières, acteurs et représentations de l’Europe’, Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag and European Union Liaison Committee of Historians, 2016, pp. 157-177.
Blanco Sío-López, C., (Guest Editor), 2015 Special Issue: Policy Innovation, Regional Integration and Sustainable Democracy Building: The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) as Challenges and Vehicles. Regions and Cohesion. Journal of the Consortium for Comparative Research on Regional Integration and Social Cohesion (RISC), 5(3), Winter 2015, Berghahn Journals, New York-Oxford, ISSN: 2152-906X, 139 pp, Scopus (Elsevier).
Blanco Sío-López, C., “Dialogues beyond the ‘Fortress Europe’: Tracing back the Genesis and Evolution of the ‘Free Circulation of Persons’ Concept through European Parliament Schengen Area Debates, 1985-2015”, The Borders of Schengen, P.I.E. Peter Lang – Euroclio Series, 2015, pp. 33-51, Scopus DOI: 10.3726/978-3-0352-6576-7.
Blanco Sío-López, C. (co-author), “Migrants and European institutions: A study on the attempts to address the economic and social challenges of immigration in European Member States”, The History of Migration in Europe. Perspectives from Economics, Politics and Sociology, Routledge Explorations in Economic History series, New York, 2014, pp.126-154.
Blanco Sío-López, C., “Instrumental Bridges or Fruitful Ties? Spain’s Role in the Consolidation of an EU-Latin America Partnership”, The European Community and the World. A Historical Perspective, P.I.E. Peter Lang – Euroclio Series, Brussels, 2014, pp. 121-133.
Blanco Sío-López, C., (co-editor), Converging Pathways: Spain and the European Integration Process / Itinerarios Cruzados: España y el proceso de construcción europea, Brussels, P.I.E. Peter Lang, 2013, 562 pp.
Blanco Sío-López, C., “Reconditioning the ‘Return to Europe’: The Influence of Spanish Accession in Shaping the EU’s Eastern Enlargement Process”, The Crisis of EU Enlargement, LSE IDEAS Special Report 2013, SR018, London, London School of Economics and Political Science.
Blanco Sío-López, C., The Battle for the Constitutionalisation of the Union: “Parliament, advocate of a European constitution (1979-1990)”; “Parliament’s role in preparing a constitution“; “Parliament’s reaction to the constitutional deadlock (2005-2008)“, BUILDING PARLIAMENT: 50 YEARS OF EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT HISTORY, 1958–2008, Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg, 2009, pp.111-116; 116-124; 124-129.
Blanco Sío-López, C., “Matching Expectations: The Role and Response of Germany to the EU Decision to implement Eastward Enlargement, 1990-2004” in Changing Times: Germany in 20th-Century Europe. Continuity, Evolution and Breakdowns. Publisher: P.I.E. Peter Lang, Brussels, 2008, pp. 361-383.
EUI Cadmus Repository
Spanish Studies at Oxford – Publications
18.11.2021 ‘Rediscovering Empowering Historical Legacies on the EU’s Free Movement of Persons, 1985-2015’, Transformative Seminar, Research Centre for the History of Transformations (RECET), University of Vienna.
10.07.2021 ‘A Boundary-Breaking Elite Utopia? The EU’s ‘Free Movement of Persons’ as Power-Based Belonging and Displacement Dynamics’, 26th World Congress of Political Science ‘New Nationalisms in an Open World’, International Political Science Association (IPSA).
07.07.2021 ‘Navigating Schengen: Digital Migration History at the Archives of the European Parliament (EP) in Luxembourg’, Migration Research Hub – 18th International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion in Europe (IMISCOE) Annual Conference 2021, held at the University of Luxembourg.
25.06.2021 ‘A Boundary-breaking European Utopia? Norm Setting and Values in the EU’s ‘Free Movement of Persons”, CES 27th International Conference of Europeanists ‘Europe’s Past, Present, and Future: Utopias and Dystopias’ 2021, Council for European Studies (CES) at Columbia University.
21.06.2021 ‘Salvador de Madariaga and the ‘Solidarity of Being’: Proto-insights into a ‘Free Movement of Persons’‘ CES 27th International Conference of Europeanists ‘Europe’s Past, Present, and Future: Utopias and Dystopias’ 2021, Council for European Studies (CES) at Columbia University.
06.05.2021 ‘Boundary-Breaking European Utopia? The EU’s ‘Free Movement of Persons’ as a History of Belonging and Displacement’, Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN) Annual World Convention 2021, Harriman Institute, Columbia University.
22.04.2021 ‘Salvador de Madariaga and the ‘Solidarity of Being’: Limits and potential of an imagined ‘free movement of persons’ in Europe’, presented as Co-Convenor and Coordinator of the International Conference ‘Mobility and Human Rights in European Integration: Perspectives from the Past’. Event held at the European Studies Center (ESC) – Jean Monnet EU Center of Excellence of the (JMEUCE) of the University of Pittsburgh, 22 April, 2021.
08.04.2021 ‘Looking back to see beyond: Rediscovering the empowering historical legacies on the EU’s Free Movement of Persons’, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Senior Global Fellow Lecture 2021 at the European Studies Center (ESC) – Jean Monnet EU Center of Excellence (JMEUCE) of the University of Pittsburgh, 8 April, 2021.
10.12.2020 ‘Breakthroughs and Commonalities: Comparative experiences of historical overcoming of mobility barriers‘, 6th Annual Meeting of the European Scientific Diasporas in North America, organized by EURAXESS – North America.
20.10.2020 ‘The Historical Legacies of the EU’s Free Movement of Persons: Our Human Mobility Rights in a Post (?) COVID-19 Context, Invited Lecture as part of the University of Florida (UF) Jean Monnet Chair Series “Pandemics in Europe: Political and Social Responses“. The lecture was held at the Center for European Studies of the University of Florida by Prof. Amie Kreppel, Jean Monnet Chair (ad personam) and founding Director of the Jean Monnet Center of Excellence (JMCE) at the University of Florida, in collaboration with the European Studies Center (ESC) – Jean Monnet EU Center of Excellence (JMEUCE) of the University of Pittsburgh, the EU Erasmus + Program and the “Jean Monnet in the USA“ Program.
11.08.2020 ‘Mirrors and Triggers: The use of printed press cartoons to teach European integration History‘”, Workshop of the Critical European Culture Studies (CECS), Research Network ‘How we Teach Europe’. Event held at the University of Pittsburgh.
18.06.2020 ‘Positive anxiety? The urge to transform the Schengen Area ‘Free Movement of Persons into an inalienable human right’, 2020 ‘Max Weber’ Programme conference ‘A Time for Anxiety?, European University Institute (EUI), Florence.
21.02.2020 ‘Model European Union’ Keynote Speech 2020 “Human Mobility Rights in the Spotlight: Migration Borders in the EU’s Free Movement of Persons“, held by the European Studies Center (ESC) – Jean Monnet EU Center of Excellence of the (JMEUCE) and the University Center for International Studies (UCIS) at the University of Pittsburgh.
17.10.2019 ‘Looking back to see beyond: Human mobility rights’ legacies in the evolution and potentialities of the EU’s Free Movement of Persons’, Panel VIII: Conflicting Europeanisation, International Conference of the EU H-2020 RESPOND project “Unpacking the Challenges and Possibilities for Migration Governance“, University of Cambridge, Newnham College.
06.09.2019 ‘Oral History Assets and Prospects: The Case of European Integration History’, Critical European Culture Studies (CECS) Workshop 2019 “The Critical Methods of European Culture Studies“, University of Pittsburgh.
11.06.2019 ‘The Solidarity Principle and the EU’s “Free Movement of Persons”: a critical historical analysis, 1985-2015‘, Oxford Economic and Social History Research Seminar Series Invited Lecturer, St. Hilda’s College, UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD.
01.05.2019 ‘A “Perpetual Peace” Reboot? Integration processes bridging glocal challenges‘, GlobaI Young Academy (GYA) International Conference of Young Scientists and Anniversary Annual General Meeting (2019 AGM) at the German National Academy of Sciences ‘Leopoldina’, ‘Re-Enlightment? Thuth, Reason and Science in a Global World’, Panel I : Different places of truth: science between global and local, Halle (Saale), Germany.
16.04.2019 ‘To “Europe and Back”: Spanish labour migration from dictatorship to democracy’, International Conference ‘Labour in History and Economics’, All Souls College, UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD.
21.02. 2019 ‘Isolating Points of De-Coupling of Fundamental Rights and Security: Roots and Evolution of the EU Securitisation of Human Mobility,1985-2015’, ‘EU Migration – Security Nexus’ Workshop, British International Studies Association (BISA) Working Group on the ‘International Politics of Migration, Refugees and Diaspora’, St. Antony’s College, UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD.
29.06.2018 ‘Looking Back to See Beyond: Sources of differentiation in the evolution and potentialities of the EU’s ‘free movement of persons’, Does the future of the European Union depend on differentiation? Sources and effects of the logic of differentiation, European Studies Centre (ESC) – MFO, UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD.
30.05.2018 Discussant of the Seminar ‘Myths and Realities of Secessionisms: A Constitutional Approach to the Catalonian Crisis‘, European Studies Centre (ESC) – UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD.
21.05.2018 ‘Salvador de Madariaga and the ‘Solidarity of Being’: Limits and potential of an imagined ‘free movement of persons’ in Europe’. Santander Fellowship Conference 2018 ‘Belonging and Displacement: European Mobility Labyrinths and Spanish Mirrors In Light of History’, European Studies Centre (ESC) – UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD. Convenor: Dr. Cristina Blanco Sío-López.
18.05.2018 ‘The Roots of Inclusion: Re-empowering the EU’s ‘free movement of persons’, Oxford Annual COMPAS-TORCH-OMSS Migration Studies conference 2018 on ‘Crossing Borders, crossing disciplines: Rethinking, inclusion, exclusion and human mobility‘, Worcester College, UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD.
02.05.2018 ‘Substantial Solidarity Bridges? A Historical Analysis of Spain’s Role in the Consolidation of a EU — Latin America Partnership’, Latin American Centre – St. Antony’s College, UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD.
30.04.2018 ‘The Temporal Perception Management Wall: EU’s Eastward Enlargement Communication Strategy as a Missed Chance?’, Societies in Transition: Changing Structures, Changing Lives, St. Antony’s College, UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD.
09.03.2018 Santander Fellow Lecture 2018: ‘Spain and the Historical Building of the EU’s Free Movement of Persons from 1985’. European Studies Centre (ESC) – St. Antony’s College, UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD.
07.02.2018 ‘Consensus Building Challenges in Spain’s Democratisation and Europeanization’, Challenges to building consensus: Old problems, new times?, St. Antony’s College, UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD.
09.03.2017 ‘Solidarity Challenges and Potentialities of the Free Movement of Persons from European to Global Governance’, ‘New Challenges to European Solidarity‘, Faculty of Law, UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE.
28.05.2017 ‘From Imbalance to Interdependence? Interregional Dialogue in the Evolving EU Development and Sustainability Agendas’. ‘How to Change the World. Entangled Histories of Development’, Shanghai University –上海大学.
12.12.2016 ‘Re-designing the ‘Quality of Democracy’ in post-crisis Spain: Public Opinion and Media Impact on the 2014 EP Elections Results’, ‘Media and Politics in Times of Crisis and Change’, London School of Economics: London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), London.
09.07.2016 ‘From the ‘Soviet Empire’ to the ‘EU as Empire’: Comparing Discourses of Empire Status and Resistance in the Building of EU’s Eastward Enlargement, 1989-2004’, Imperial Comparison, All Souls College, UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD.
01.07.2016 ‘A Historical Analysis of the European Parliament’s Evolving Critiques to the Ethical Crises of the EC/EU’s Free Movement of Persons, ‘Europe and its crises’, Darwin College, UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE.
15.04.2016 ‘Constitutional Identity and Founding Moments’, ‘Founding Moments in Constitutionalism’, YALE Law School.
08.04.2016 ‘Transient Traces? Lessons from EC/EU Enlargements and the Schengen Area to address the Global Governance Challenges of Multiculturalism’, ‘The Multicultural Question in a Mobile World’, European University Institute (EUI), Florence.
26-27.06.2015 Co-author: ‘Factors of a Qualitative Shift: Distilling ILO Supranational Basic Income Principles into EU, National and Civil Society Structures as a Response to the Economic Crisis’, The Future of Basic Income Research, European University Institute (EUI), Florence.
29.01.2015 ‘Labour Migrants, ‘Brains in Exile’ or Resilient EUropeans? Patterns and Prospects of the Evolving Self-Identity of Spanish Intra-European Migrants’, Mobility in Crisis: Is European mobility in crisis?“, European University Institute (EUI), Florence.
23.06.2014 ‘Convergent Interplay: The EEAS’s Role and Challenges in Global Governance and in the EU’s CFSP’, ‘The Impact of the EEAS on EU Foreign Policy and Policy-Making’, Sidney Sussex College, UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE.
Knowledge of languages:
Mother tongue: SPANISH
Intermediate: GERMAN (A+ in ZMP & A in DAAD Certificate C1); PORTUGUESE; CHINESE 中文 (3 years diploma, but basic user).
Intercultural skills gained in international research centres and governmental institutions in Spain, the UK, the US, The Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Bolivia, Argentina, the Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Portugal, Norway, Austria, China…
Historical and policy-oriented qualitative research; scientific coordination; research project management; lecturing and research-led teaching; international conference coordination; team work; peer-reviewed publications.
Dr. Blanco Sío-López is interested in working at International Research Institutes and Supranational Institutions (Global and European).
ORCID 0000-0002-1172-2450
Scopus Author ID: 57188700444
Web of Science Researcher ID: Y-8348-2018
EU Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Senior Global Fellow and Pricipal Investigator of the EU Horizon 2020 ‘NAVSCHEN’ project at the European Studies Center (ESC) – EU Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence (JMEUCE) of the UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH / CA’ FOSCARI UNIVERSITY OF VENICE. – European Commission Grant Agreement (GA) No: 841201:
Santander Senior Fellow in Iberian and European Studies at the European Studies Centre – St. Antony’s College, UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD.
‘Best Non-European Chapter Award’ 2020 by the MCAA as Chair of the North America Chapter of the Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA):
Full Member of the Spanish Young Academy / Academia Joven de España (AJE)
European Academy of Yuste Foundation (FAEY) ‘Helmut Kohl-Charles the 5th European Research and Mobility BEST PhD THESIS AWARD 2008’, supported by the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
NASA Grant to conduct Space Exploration Studies at the NASA-Marshall Space Flight Centre, MSFC (Hunstville, AL,USA).
