Editor’s note: The following speech was delivered by immediate past Co-Chair Priscilla Kolibea Mante (Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana) during the World Science Forum 2024 in Budapest, Hungary, during the Parliamentary Session on the closing day. “Dear…
2025 Letten Prize call for applications Are you a young researcher working within the fields of health, development or environment in any aspect of human life? Then apply to the Letten Prize, which is open to researchers under the age…
The 2024 World Science Forum was held in Budapest, Hungary, from 20-23 November, where leading scientists, decision-makers from the world of politics, industry, representatives of the civil society and the media from all over the world gathered to engage in…
Two GYA members were invited to pitch science-media projects at the Industry Days of Documentary Campus, which took place in connection with the science-media Silbersalz Festival fin Halle (Saale), Germany. Tomislav MeÅ¡trović (University North, University centre Varaždin, Croatia) and Encieh…
In October 2024, the Africa Science Leadership Programme (ASLP) celebrated 10 years of empowering researchers as thought leaders to drive scientific progress across Africa and beyond. The two-day event took place on the Future Africa Campus in Pretoria, and brought…
Several GYA members were honored to take part in the Falling Walls Science Summit 24, including Antonia Morita Saktiawati (Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia), who won in the Women’s Impact Award category for her work helping to make Tuberculosis screening more…
Six GYA working groups have collaborated on the GYA Statement “Young researchers and scholars’ proposals for action for a sustainable present and future” unveiled at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP29) in Baku, Azerbaijan. The various working groups that…
2025 Letten Prize call for applications Are you a young researcher working within the fields of health, development or environment in any aspect of human life? Then apply to the Letten Prize, which is open to researchers under the age…
The GYA’s Science and Education for Youth Working Group (WG) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) WG have launched a series of talks and training sessions aiming to put SDGs into practice and raise awareness about them within higher education…
Earlier in 2024, the GYA working group on Science Advice, co-led by Jovana Milic (University of Fribourg, Switzerland) and Laura Zimmermann (University of Georgia, United States), was part of a 3-months project led by the Mauritius Academy of Science and…
The GYA was represented at the World Health Summit 2024 (WHS) in Berlin, Germany, by GYA member Thao Thi Phuong Nguyen (Hanoi Medical University, Vietnam) and alumni Isil Kurnaz (Gebze Technical University, Turkey) and Stefan Kohler (Heidelberg University, Germany). According…
At the end of September 2024, the Indian National Young Academy of Science (INYAS) was celebrating its 10th anniversary at its mid-year meeting. As part of this three-day INYAS Meeting, the Young Academies from Asia also met. This hybrid networking…
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