Profile picture of: Alexander Birbrair


Federal University of Minas Gerais


Federal University of Minas Gerais – Avenue Presidente Antônio Carlos, 6627
Institute of Biological Sciences, Block F3, Room 236 UFMG Campus, Belo Horizonte – MG

Research Interests

Cell Biology, Stem Cells, Tissue microenvironment


Topics to speak on:

Stem cells


Alexander Birbrair received his Bachelor’s Biomedical degree from Santa Cruz State University in Brazil. He moved to North Carolina, where he finished his PhD in Neuroscience under the mentorship of Osvaldo Delbono. Then, he joined as a posdoc in Stem Cell Biology at Paul Frenette’s laboratory at Albert Einstein School of Medicine. In 2016, he was appointed faculty at Federal University of Minas Gerais in Brazil, where he started his own lab. His laboratory is interested in understanding how the cellular components of different tissues function and control disease progression. His group explores the roles of specific cell populations in the tissue microenvironment by using state-of-the-art techniques.


Serrapilheira Grantee

Gordon A. Melson Outstanding Doctoral Student Award for 2015

Winner of 3-minute thesis (3MT) oral competition (2014 Fourteenth Annual Wake Forest University Graduate Student & Postdoc Research Day)

Awarded with the Glenn/AFAR Scholarship for Research in the Biology of Aging

Affiliated Member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences