
Industry 4.0 & Beyond

This GYA Incubator ran from July 2019 to June 2020, and looked into the readiness of young scientists for the impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) on their research fields and careers.

In the current phase of global digital transformation, which is often referred to as the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0), the convergence of Artificial Intelligence, Digital Health, Machine Learning, Big Data, VR/AR/XR, Brain-to-Computer Interfaces, cloud computing, gene editing, mobile supercomputing, deep learning, intelligent robots, self-driving cars, IOT (Internet of Things) devices, mHealth, nanotechnology, advanced prosthetics, blockchain, 3D Printing and neuro-technological brain enhancements will fundamentally change the way we live, work, and interact with the world around us.

Technology underpins and is transforming every field and industry. It is heralding optimizations, new ways of working, new insight, and fundamentally changing research and development. These changes cannot be foreseen with our current lens and contemporary ways of thinking. These changes will necessitate changes to the human experience and drive a multi-trillion dollar market for businesses in the space. Our focus is on the societal and scientific impact of this revolution.

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This Incubator is currently not active.

Any GYA members interested to re-start work on this topic, please contact Anna-Maria at the GYA Office.