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The dream has come true

Flávia Ferreira Pires (Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Brazil)

Though my paternal grandmother was a school teacher who loves to read and write poetry, my maternal grandmother could barely read and write. Both grandmothers were from a generation where schooling was neither universal nor compulsory. Both my parents went to university, but this privilege was not given to their parents. Therefore, I belong to the second generation that went regularly to school and the first generation to pursue an academic career. In fact, I am the only one until now. Many of my female students belong to the first generation to go to university, which has had a tremendous effect on their lives and families.

When I look at the little girl in this photo, I can see the daughters I was honored to give birth and nurture, who are now 7 and 9 years old. As a child, I used to love reading and writing. It is a passion that started at a very young age. I remember the books I wrote, which my friend illustrated, and the dreams I had of becoming a real author one day. The dream to be read.

Today this dream has come true. I fulfilled my paternal grandmother’s prophecy of being an author. Thank God I didn’t fall into the traps of my maternal grandmother’s fears – for her, too much studying could lead to brain sickness.

My paternal grandmother, Vovó Naná, had an enormous impact on my choice to be a scholar. One of the most vivid memories I have of my paternal grandmother is her lying on the hammock and reading for hours.

I hope to be this kind of inspiration to my daughter and my students alike.

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