A photo exhibition titled “The Fascination of Science” by Herlinde Koelbl is currently taking place at the GYA’s host institution, the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina. This exhibition of 60 scientists includes past GYA past Co-Chair Tolu Oni, former Advisory Board member Bruce Alberts, as well as 22 members of the Leopoldina.
For the portraits contained in this exhibition, the photographer asked 60 scientists to write a personal guiding principle, a formula or an idea that was important to them. The artist thus makes the people behind the research far more approachable and creates a connection between art and science.

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This film interview was conducted in 2019 during the GYA’s Annual General Meeting at the Leopoldina.
Herlinde Koelbl is a well-known German photographer and documentary filmmaker who celebrated her first public success with her illustrated book “Das deutsche Wohnzimmer” (1980). This was followed by other collections such as “Männer” (1984), “Starke Frauen” (1996), and the award-winning work “Jüdische Porträts” (1989). Koelbl’s latest project is a long-term study of Angela Merkel, whom she portrayed from 1991 to 2021.
“The Fascination of Science” is a joint project between the Kunststiftung Sachsen‐Anhalt and the Leopoldina and is financed by the Kunststiftung, LOTTO Sachsen-Anhalt and the Leopoldina-Akademie Freundeskreis.
The exhibition is open daily (except Wednesdays) from 13:00 to 18:00 (UTC +2) until 11 September. and is free of charge. Registration is not required. Guided tours are available upon request from .