
News of the Global Young Academy

The GYA is proud to introduce Open Research Europe

Introducing Open Research Europe: A new publishing platform launched by the European Commission. The platform will provide all Horizon 2020 beneficiaries and their collaborators with an easy, high quality venue to publish Horizon 2020 funded research at no cost and in full compliance with the Commission’s open access policies. The launch of the platform is planned for early 2021.

The GYA is part of a consortium, led by F1000 Research, a leading Open Access publisher, and also including Eurodoc and LIBER as partners, that was awarded the contract to build and promote the platform. The GYA has an active Open Science Working Group and works closely together with the global network of National Young Academies. This new collaboration, which will involve outreach and training activities, is also a great opportunity to promote Open Science more generally.

Open Research Europe supports the European Commission’s vision to drive innovation and economic growth by removing barriers to scientific discovery, facilitating progress towards securing Europe’s global competitiveness in innovation, and ultimately benefiting health and wellbeing across the globe.

The platform is supported by F1000 for publishing and technology services.

The platform welcomes submissions from all disciplines, during and after the end of Horizon 2020 grants.  In order to enable H2020 beneficiaries to decide what to publish, while ensuring high quality, the platform will use a model of immediate publication followed by transparent, invited and open peer review and inclusion of all supporting data. This will allow reanalysis, replication attempts and data reuse – bringing benefits to researchers, institutions and society more broadly.

For more information about how to support this initiative and get involved, please register your interest via the platform’s webpage.

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