EC member Michael Saliba (Germany) and GYA alumnus Javier García-Martínez (Spain) organised a webinar on “The Future of Energy: A Global Conversation” to launch the GYAEnergy Initiative on 5 June 2020.
Modern society, as we know it, was only possible through the consumption of vast amounts of energy. We now consume 100 times more energy than 100 years ago and a significantly increased energy demand is projected for the coming decades. This is not sustainable and threatens the very foundation of humankind. Thus, the Global Young Academy has launched the #GYAenergy initiative on the topic: “What is the Future of Energy?”. Two world-renowned experts have presented their work on solar energy (Professor Michael Grätzel, EPFL, Switzerland) and battery storage (Professor Clare Grey, Cambridge, UK). The subsequent panel discussion with the audience was very engaging and inspirational, also discussing the possibility of a new study course on energy research.
The GYA initiative will continue in the future looking for new invited expert speakers on the topic of energy. If you have suggestions, please let us know and be part of the conversation.