
News of the Global Young Academy

Social scientist is sharing the lead of the Global Young Academy

The Global Young Academy has just completed its Annual General Assembly, which this year was held in Santiago, at the facilities of the University of Chile and Pontifica Universidad Católica de Chile. Members from more than 50 countries elected their new leadership for the coming year, including two Co-Chairs. The election brought to the head of the academy for the first time an Australian and social scientist, Dr. Eva Alisic, alongside the re-elected co-chair Prof. Dr. Sameh Soror (Egypt). Soror: “This offers unparalleled opportunities to connect Australian science internationally, and to further increase the diversity of the Global Young Academy.”

“The international profile and influence of the GYA is increasing”, said out-going co-chair Professor Rees Kassen (Canada). “Eva Alisic is the right person to help lead the organization through its next phase of growth,” he added.

Dr Alisic has lived in the Netherlands, France, Switzerland and the USA before moving to Australia in 2011, giving her a valuable international perspective. She has Masters degrees in Human Resources Studies and Psychology, and holds a PhD from Utrecht University. She is an expert on mental health, in particular how children and their families cope with traumatic events.

“The unique quality of the GYA is its cultural and disciplinary diversity,” Dr Alisic says. She sees the academy as a key partner in capacity building in developing countries, for example by supporting national young academies and increasing outreach to high school students. “With our global membership, we provide a unique view on issues of science and public policy in an international context.”

Further elected to the GYA Executive Committee were: Abdullah Shams bin Tariq (Bangladesh), Fridah Kanana (Kenya), Ghada Bassioni (Egypt), Gijs Wuite (Netherlands), Mitsunobu Kano (Japan), Laura Petes (USA), Rob Jenkins (UK), Wilfred van der Wiel (Netherlands), Yusuf Baran (Turkey).

Please find the full press release here.

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