GYA member Sabina Leonelli presented the GYA position statement and findings from her own research on Open Science at the ICSU CODATA International Training Workshop on Big Data, 18-19 March 2015.
At the International Training Workshop on Big Data and an International Seminar on Data Science, Sabina Leonelli highlighted the epistemological significance of big data by presenting the GYA position statement and her own research. The events were co-organized by ICSU CODATA, the Research Data Alliance and the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), and hosted by the ISI in Bangalore, India, on 18-19 March 2015.
The training workshop successfully engaged young researchers from India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Vietnam and China. It continued the emerging series of International Training Workshops, which CODATA is seeking to establish with a variety of partners. Previous workshops took place in 2014 in Beijing, China and in Nairobi, Kenya.

During the events in Bangalore, Sabina Leonelli presented talks titled “The Epistemology of Big Data” and “Research Data Sharing: Key Concerns”, and discussed opportunities for further collaboration with ICSU CODATA and Indian researchers, as well as the future involvement of GYA in these training activities.