Profile picture of: Ronen Perry


University of Haifa

Research Interests



Ronen Perry is a Professor of Law and the Director of the Aptowitzer Center for Risk, Liability, and Insurance at the University of Haifa, and President of the Israeli Private Law Association. Perry received his LLB magna cum laude from the Tel Aviv University in 1996. He was admitted to the special program for excellent students (top 0.5% of undergraduate students in all disciplines), and the IDF academic reserve (top undergraduate students in select disciplines). He completed with distinction his LLM studies, as part of the direct doctoral track requirements, then served for three years in the IDF JAG Corps, and received his LLD summa cum laude from the Hebrew University in 2001. Perry has published a book and more than forty articles on tort law, insurance, remedies, jurisprudence, and legal education, and is also engaged in empirical and experimental legal studies without a priori commitment to a specific branch of law. He was a visiting scholar at leading universities in Europe and in the United States. Perry also serves as a senior editor of the Journal of Tort Law and as the editor-in-chief of the Haifa Law Review.